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    Wiki content for Monica

    Monica - Monica may refer to:
    Monica Lewinsky - Monica Samille Lewinsky (born July 23, 1973) is an American activist, television personality, fashion designer, and former White House intern.
    Monica Geller - Monica E. Geller is a fictional character, one of the six main characters who appears on the American sitcom Friends (1994–2004).
    Monica Bellucci - Monica Anna Maria Bellucci (Italian pronunciation: [ˈmɔːnika belˈluttʃi]; born 30 September 1964) is an Italian actress and model.
    Monica Rambeau - Monica Rambeau is a fictional character and superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Power Restored to 4700 Customers in Santa Monica
    116 ratings rating ratings
    Santa Monica Education Foundation Launches $25,000 Match
    Listen Santa Monica Education Foundation Launches $25,000 Match pronunciation
    108 ratings rating ratings
    Monica Ariana Jaquez
    Listen Monica Ariana Jaquez pronunciation
    83 ratings rating ratings
    Santa Monica College to Host 2020 Olympic Table Tennis Trials
    Listen Santa Monica College to Host 2020 Olympic Table Tennis Trials pronunciation
    75 ratings rating ratings
    MONICA’S FITNESS MONDAYS: Cardio vs. weights and an ice skater exercise
    Listen MONICA’S FITNESS MONDAYS: Cardio vs. weights and an ice skater exercise pronunciation
    66 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    {{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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    Translations of Monica

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    Trending news on Monica

    Santa Monica to boost police presence ahead of anti-vaccine rally
    Listen Santa Monica to boost police presence ahead of anti-vaccine rally pronunciation
    Santa Monica police will be out in force this weekend ahead of a rally planned at the city's famous pier by people objecting to COVID-19 vaccine mandates.
    ABC 10 News ABC 10 News
    Owners Of Santa Monica Upscale Hotel Sue Insurers Over Denied Claims
    Listen Owners Of Santa Monica Upscale Hotel Sue Insurers Over Denied Claims pronunciation
    The owners and managers of one luxury hotel in Santa Monica and two others in Hawaii are suing multiple insurance companies for allegedly breaching contracts to insure them for hundreds of m..View article
    MyNewsLA MyNewsLA
    Sunday's Anti-Vaccine Mandate Protest In Santa Monica Remained Peaceful
    Listen Sunday's Anti-Vaccine Mandate Protest In Santa Monica Remained Peaceful pronunciation
    Dozens of protestors showed up near the Santa Monica Pier on Sunday to take a stand against vaccine mandates. Santa Monica police stepped up its presence in case opposing sides clashed, but..View article
    CBS Local CBS Local
    Mountain lion killed after mauling 5-year-old in Santa Monica Mountains
    Listen Mountain lion killed after mauling 5-year-old in Santa Monica Mountains pronunciation
    A boy was mauled by a mountain lion in the front yard of his Monte Nido home. Wildlife agents responding shot and killed the juvenile lion.
    YAHOO!News YAHOO!News
    Santa Monica’s New Vegan Ethiopian Destination Is a Sunny, Flavorful Star
    Listen Santa Monica’s New Vegan Ethiopian Destination Is a Sunny, Flavorful Star pronunciation
    There’s no shortage of Santa Monica restaurants to choose from these days. Local diners and hungry tourists can easily flip between upscale dinner destinations with ocean views to fast-casua..View article
    Eater Eater
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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