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Meanings for Mirae

(me-ray) Originally a Korean name. it means: future, beauty and fortune. Only very gorgeous and cool people have this exotic name. Many people find it hard to pronounce.
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Wiki content for Mirae

Mirae - Mirae may refer to :
Mirae Asset Financial Group - Mirae Asset Financial Group (Korean: 미래에셋금융그룹) is a financial service providing group headquartered in Seoul, South Korea.
Mirae Asset Daewoo - Mirae Asset Daewoo (Korean: 미래에셋대우) (KRX: 006800) is the largest investment banking and stock brokerage company by market capitalization in South Korea.
Mirae Asset Park Hyeon Joo Foundation - Mirae Asset Park Hyeon Joo Foundation is a private foundation based in Mirae Asset Center 1 Building, Seoul, South Korea.
Mirae Scientists Street - Mirae Scientists street (Future Scientists street) is a street in a newly developed area in Pyongyang to house scientific institutions of the Kim Chaek University of Technology and their empl
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Examples of in a sentence

Mirae Asset Mutual Fund to be restructured, group may launch NBFC in India
Listen Mirae Asset Mutual Fund to be restructured, group may launch NBFC in India pronunciation
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Mirae Asset under antitrust probe
Listen Mirae Asset under antitrust probe pronunciation
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Scooter rental startup Vogo eyes $40 million from round led by Aspada, Mirae
Listen Scooter rental startup Vogo eyes $40 million from round led by Aspada, Mirae pronunciation
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Mirae Asset MF Announces Appointment of Key Personnel
Listen Mirae Asset MF Announces Appointment of Key Personnel pronunciation
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Mirae Asset Up Against Brick Wall
Listen Mirae Asset Up Against Brick Wall pronunciation
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Translations of Mirae

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Trending news on Mirae

Mirae Asset Offers Insights into China's Evolving Growth Story
Listen Mirae Asset Offers Insights into China's Evolving Growth Story pronunciation
"Over the past four decades, China's growth has come predominantly from large-scale capital investment and market liberalisation," says Ashley Hsu, Portfolio Manager of the Mirae Asset China..View article
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Mirae Invests in Startup That Streams Kids Content from Facebook
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Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd. -- Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd.
Listen Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd. -- Moody's announces completion of a periodic review of ratings of Mirae Asset Daewoo Co., Ltd. pronunciation
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Emerging market equities more attractive than bonds: Mirae Asset
Listen Emerging market equities more attractive than bonds: Mirae Asset pronunciation
MUMBAI (Reuters) - A combination of further easing by global central banks, a temporary truce in the Sino-U.S. trade war and under-ownership of emerging markets make equities more attractive..View article
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The history behind Hyundai and Mirae’s Asiana Airlines grab from Kumho
Listen The history behind Hyundai and Mirae’s Asiana Airlines grab from Kumho pronunciation
Hyundai leads a consortium, alongside brokerage Mirae Asset Daewoo, which offered KRW2.5 trillion ($2.15 billion) for a combination of the 31.05% stake held by top shareholder Kumho Industri..View article
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