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Phonetic spelling of mira

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Meanings for mira

It is a Latin feminine name that means wonderful.
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In Latin it's short for "Mirabilis" = Wonderful
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In Indian it means "Ocean"
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In Eastern European languages (like Russian) it's the root for the word "Peace"
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In Albanian it means "Good"
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Examples of in a sentence

Shahid needs Mira by his side during 'rainy winter' eve
Listen Shahid needs Mira by his side during 'rainy winter' eve pronunciation
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Mira Rajput And Her Hair Styling "Sisterhood," Captured By Shahid Kapoor
Listen Mira Rajput And Her Hair Styling "Sisterhood," Captured By Shahid Kapoor pronunciation
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Blaze Causes $150K in Damage to Unoccupied Mira Mesa House
Listen Blaze Causes $150K in Damage to Unoccupied Mira Mesa House pronunciation
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Fire damages home in Mira Mesa
Listen Fire damages home in Mira Mesa pronunciation
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Mira Rajput Decodes Her Expression With An ROFL Caption
Listen Mira Rajput Decodes Her Expression With An ROFL Caption pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of mira

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Trending news on mira

Man smashes Mira Mesa jewelry store display case, steals necklaces
Listen Man smashes Mira Mesa jewelry store display case, steals necklaces pronunciation
A masked thief on Monday evening smashed a display case at a Mira Mesa jewelry store and made off with several necklaces, police said. The man used a hammer to smash the glass case just afte..View article
image-unavailable San Diego Union-Tribune
Robber Smashes Jewelry Display Case and Steals Necklaces in Mira Mesa
Listen Robber Smashes Jewelry Display Case and Steals Necklaces in Mira Mesa pronunciation
The theft was reported shortly after 6:50 p.m. Monday at Daniel’s Jewelers in the shopping center near Mira Mesa Boulevard and Camino Ruiz, San Diego Police Officer John Buttle said. A man ...View article
Times of San Diego Times of San Diego
Fire Causes $150K In Damage To Unoccupied Mira Mesa House
Listen Fire Causes $150K In Damage To Unoccupied Mira Mesa House pronunciation
(Shutterstock) SAN DIEGO, CA — A blaze broke out Tuesday morning at an unoccupied Mira Mesa house being used as a preschool and caused an estimated $150,000 in damage, authorities said.
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Fire damages Mira Mesa home that serves as preschool
Listen Fire damages Mira Mesa home that serves as preschool pronunciation
A blaze broke out Tuesday morning at an unoccupied Mira Mesa house being used as a preschool and caused an estimated $150,000 in damage, authorities said.
ABC 10 News ABC 10 News
Thief Smashes Mira Mesa Jewelry Store Display Case, Leaves With Necklaces
Listen Thief Smashes Mira Mesa Jewelry Store Display Case, Leaves With Necklaces pronunciation
A man smashed a display case at a Mira Mesa jewelry store and stole several necklaces, police said Monday. The theft was reported shortly after 6:50 p.m. Monday at Daniel's Jewelers in the s..View article
NBC 7 San Diego NBC 7 San Diego
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