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Pronunciation of Mikes with 3 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Mikes

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Meanings for Mikes

Mikes is a restaurant company founded in 1967 by Peter Cancro in Montreal, Canada.
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Wiki content for Mikes

Mikes - Mikes may refer to:
Mikeschair - Mikeschair (stylized as MIKESCHAIR) was an American contemporary Christian music band signed to Curb Records.
Mike's Place - Mike's Place (Hebrew: מייקס פלייס‎) is an Israeli chain of sports bars, with six bars around the country, and one pizzeria, located next to the chain's beachfront promenade bar.
Mike's Super Short Show - Mike's Super Short Show (a.k.a. The Super Short Show in some countries) is a former Disney Channel series of promotional advertisements made in the manner of a regular series which mainly pro
Mikesell's - Mikesell's Potato Chip Company is a Dayton, Ohio-based producer of potato chips and other snack foods.
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Examples of in a sentence

Donations to Proudfoot Corner recall the generosity of the two Mikes
Listen Donations to Proudfoot Corner recall the generosity of the two Mikes pronunciation
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St. Mikes students tackle a modern retelling of the 1984 classic, Footloose
Listen St. Mikes students tackle a modern retelling of the 1984 classic, Footloose pronunciation
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Mikes Minute: Will we stop using uber to save local business
Listen Mikes Minute: Will we stop using uber to save local business pronunciation
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Juliano steps in as new Lady Mikes coach
Listen Juliano steps in as new Lady Mikes coach pronunciation
12 ratings rating ratings
Mikes Minute: If Winston goes down, he's taking Jacinda with him
Listen Mikes Minute: If Winston goes down, he's taking Jacinda with him pronunciation
11 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of Mikes

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Trending news on Mikes

Austin-area Jersey Mikes stores to donate 100% of March 28 proceeds to charity
Listen Austin-area Jersey Mikes stores to donate 100% of March 28 proceeds to charity pronunciation
After receiving generous donations from customers all month long throughout Jersey Mike's company-wide "Month of Giving" fundraising campaign, local locations of the national sub chain have..View article
Jersey Mikes opening third Hawaii location next week
Listen Jersey Mikes opening third Hawaii location next week pronunciation
Jersey Mike’s Subs will open its third Hawaii location next week in the Mililani Shopping Center in Central Oahu. The New Jersey-based chain, known for its fresh-sliced or grilled subs, will..View article
The Business Journals The Business Journals
Where Does IBM Research Get Ideas? Open Mikes and Interns
Listen Where Does IBM Research Get Ideas? Open Mikes and Interns pronunciation
“We’re still doing a lot of basic research,” it’s not just development. That’s what Jeff Welser, lab director of IBM Research-Almaden told me on a recent visit. Given that IBM’s Watson techn..View article
image-unavailable IEEE Spectrum
Godfather of S.F. open mikes keeps the laughs coming
Listen Godfather of S.F. open mikes keeps the laughs coming pronunciation
Comedians Al Madrigal and Ali Wong got their starts at a Sparks show. Moshe Kasher once called Sparks “the fairy godfather of San Francisco open mikes.” But the magic of Sparks’ shows is the..View article
SFChronicle SFChronicle
Nothing Lasts Forever, Not Even The Mikes
Listen Nothing Lasts Forever, Not Even The Mikes pronunciation
Meanwhile, Little Mike will debut a program called Get Up in the spring with Jalen Rose and Michelle Beadle, who are also not Mikes. Little Mike spoke with the Chicago Tribune this week and..View article
Deadspin Deadspin
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