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    Meanings for Midas

    It refers to the name of one of three members from the royal house "Phrygia".
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    (Greek legend) the greedy king of Phrygia who Dionysus gave the power to turn everything he touched into gold
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    Wiki content for Midas

    Midas - Midas (; Greek: Μίδας) is the name of at least three members of the royal house of Phrygia.
    MIDAS Technical Analysis - In finance, MIDAS (an acronym for Market Interpretation/Data Analysis System) is an approach to technical analysis initiated in 1995 by the physicist and technical analyst Paul Levine, PhD, a
    Midas Touch (book) - Midas Touch: Why Some Entrepreneurs Get Rich — And Why Most Don't is a non-fiction book about personal finance, co-authored by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki.
    Midas (automotive service) - Midas, Inc. is an American chain of automotive service centers headquartered in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
    Midas (banking system) - Midas is a line of banking system solutions provided by Misys corporation that was initially developed in the 1970s and gained significant market share through the 1980s and 1990s.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Midas Infra board approves Stock Split
    69 ratings rating ratings
    Aaron Purcell-trained Midas Prince scores victory at Pakenham
    Listen Aaron Purcell-trained Midas Prince scores victory at Pakenham pronunciation
    64 ratings rating ratings
    Man with Midas touch hoping to strike gold again
    Listen Man with Midas touch hoping to strike gold again pronunciation
    59 ratings rating ratings
    HTLS 2019: Heston Blumenthal, an alchemist with a Midas Touch for all things food
    Listen HTLS 2019: Heston Blumenthal, an alchemist with a Midas Touch for all things food pronunciation
    54 ratings rating ratings
    Beauty treatments with the Midas touch
    Listen Beauty treatments with the Midas touch pronunciation
    49 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of Midas

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    Trending news on Midas

    Kings Midas confident in Liguilla qualification despite ...
    Listen Kings Midas confident in Liguilla qualification despite ... pronunciation
    Making the Liguilla is once again the goal in mind for the Chivas squad and King Midas, Víctor Manuel Vucetich, knows that the current team is more than capable of doing so. Speaking to ESPN..View article
    Onefootball Onefootball
    Midas (MIDAS) Reaches 24 Hour Trading Volume of $322.00 ...
    Listen Midas (MIDAS) Reaches 24 Hour Trading Volume of $322.00 ... pronunciation
    Midas (CURRENCY:MIDAS) traded up 1.8% against the US dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 23:00 PM E.T. on February 23rd. Midas has a market cap of $3.03 million and approxima..View article
    image-unavailable modernreaders.com
    Nasdaq Today - Midas Gold changes name to Perpetua ...
    Listen Nasdaq Today - Midas Gold changes name to Perpetua ... pronunciation
    Until Monday, it was Midas Gold, a Canadian mining company with a Boise subsidiary working to bring an old mine east of McCall back to life. Now, in a nod to Idaho’s state motto, Midas’s own..View article
    fintechzoom fintechzoom
    The Hand of Midas Slot – Play & Get Bonus | gambling.com
    Listen The Hand of Midas Slot – Play & Get Bonus | gambling.com pronunciation
    Legend says that King Midas asked a wizard to give him the power to turn everything he touched into gold. This worked fine until his daughter hugged him and she became a golden statue. The H..View article
    gambling gambling
    Midas Gold changes its name, moves HQ to Boise, gets ...
    Listen Midas Gold changes its name, moves HQ to Boise, gets ... pronunciation
    Perpetua says the mine is one of the highest-grade gold deposits in the nation and would provide the only mined source of antimony in the U.S. Mining revenue will pay
    Times-News Times-News
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