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IPA : mjuːz
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Phonetic spelling of Mews

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Meanings for Mews

A surname that is of English origin and is used globally.
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Wiki content for Mews

Mews - Mews is a British name for a row or courtyard of stables and carriage houses with living quarters above them, built behind large city houses before motor vehicles replaced horses in the early
Mews Small - Mews Small (born Mary Edith Wilard Small; March 20, 1942 in Pasadena, California) is an American actress and singer.
Mewstone - Mewstone is an unpopulated island, composed of muscovite granite, located close to the south coast of Tasmania, Australia.
Mewsbrook Park - Mewsbrook Park is a four-hectare (ten-acre) urban park located in the seaside resort of Littlehampton, West Sussex, England.
Mews (restaurant) - Mews is a restaurant in Baltimore, County Cork, Ireland. It was awarded a Michelin star for 2019.Mews (sometimes called The Mews) was opened in a former coachhouse by Robert Collender and Ja
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Examples of in a sentence

In addition to these, many buildings have been restored and enlarged, chief among them being the armoury (Zeughaus), the war office and the ministry of public works, while the royal mews (Marstall) has been entirely rebuilt with an imposing façade.
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The Zeughaus (armoury) contains the ducal library of 100,000 volumes, and among other public buildings may be mentioned the Augustenstift, formerly the seat of the ministerial offices, and the Marstall (royal mews).
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Translations of Mews

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