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Pronunciation of Melanie with 13 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for Melanie

Melanie is a Hebrew name meaning powerful.
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Melanie is Greek name meaning blackness or darkness. Melanie is a Hebrew name meaning powerful.
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black, dark
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Melanie is a Greek name meaning darkness or blackness.
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Dark skinned
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Wiki content for Melanie

Melanie - Melanie is a feminine given name derived from the Greek μελανία (melania), "blackness" and that from μέλας (melas), meaning "dark".
Melania Trump - Melania Trump (; born Melanija Knavs; [mɛˈlaːnija ˈknaːu̯s], Germanized to Melania Knauss; April 26, 1970) is a Slovenian-American former fashion model and the current first lady of the Unite
Melanie C - Melanie Jayne Chisholm (born 12 January 1974), professionally known as Melanie C or Mel C, is an English singer, songwriter, activist, entrepreneur, actress and television personality.
Melanie Griffith - Melanie Richards Griffith (born August 9, 1957) is an American film, stage, and television actress, and film producer.
Melanie Martinez - Melanie Adele Martinez (born April 28, 1995) is an American singer-songwriter, actress and director. Born in Astoria, Queens, and raised in Baldwin, New York, she subsequently rose to promine
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Examples of in a sentence

Melanie is Greek name meaning darkness or blackness.
370 ratings rating ratings
Melanie is a Greek name meaning, darkness or blackness.
343 ratings rating ratings
Soulcycle CEO Melanie Whelan stepping down: CNBC
Listen Soulcycle CEO Melanie Whelan stepping down: CNBC pronunciation
317 ratings rating ratings
WFMZ's Melanie Falcon doing well after open-heart surgery
Listen WFMZ's Melanie Falcon doing well after open-heart surgery pronunciation
290 ratings rating ratings
Richard and Melanie Lundquist donate $5 million to San Pedro’s AltaSea
Listen Richard and Melanie Lundquist donate $5 million to San Pedro’s AltaSea pronunciation
264 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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{{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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Translations of Melanie

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Trending news on Melanie

WFMZ's Melanie Falcon doing well after open-heart surgery
Listen WFMZ's Melanie Falcon doing well after open-heart surgery pronunciation
Clouds and some breaks of sun with a couple of showers around; becoming breezy.
Richard and Melanie Lundquist donate $5 million to San Pedro’s AltaSea
Listen Richard and Melanie Lundquist donate $5 million to San Pedro’s AltaSea pronunciation
Southern California philanthropists Richard and Melanie Lundquist announced Thursday, Nov. 22, that they provided $5 million to AltaSea, a nonprofit organization that operates at the Port of..View article
Los Angeles Daily News Los Angeles Daily News
Melanie Lawson uncovers the secrets of cooking a perfect fried turkey
Listen Melanie Lawson uncovers the secrets of cooking a perfect fried turkey pronunciation
Copeland’s of New Orleans on Southside Boulevard in Jacksonville is frying 1,400 birds for this Thanksgiving holiday -- up from 1,200. So News4Jax “The Morning Show” anchor Melanie Lawson we..View article
News4Jax News4Jax
Melanie Velarde inaugurates Commend There series for RVNG Intl.
Listen Melanie Velarde inaugurates Commend There series for RVNG Intl. pronunciation
The inaugural release is a new album from Melanie Velarde. Bez was originally broadcast as a continuous mix of all new and original material from Velarde for the label’s Rinse FM takeover in..View article
Fact Fact
Meet Judge Melanie Cradle, Whose Former Client Changed Her Life
Listen Meet Judge Melanie Cradle, Whose Former Client Changed Her Life pronunciation
With a deep desire to become an immigration lawyer, Melanie Cradle had an opportunity while in law school to work on a case that impacted her life forever. While a senior at Seton Hall Unive..View article
Law Law
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Melanie pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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