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It is a female name.
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Examples of in a sentence

Rihanna Had the Funniest Reaction to Melania Trump's Refusal to Hold the President's Hand
Listen Rihanna Had the Funniest Reaction to Melania Trump's Refusal to Hold the President's Hand pronunciation
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A recording of Melania Trump captures her complaining in vulgar terms about Christmas decorations and mocking detained migrant children.
Listen A recording of Melania Trump captures her complaining in vulgar terms about Christmas decorations and mocking detained migrant children. pronunciation
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Donald Trump and Melania Trump both test positive for COVID-19
Listen Donald Trump and Melania Trump both test positive for COVID-19 pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine declares Sunday a “Day of Prayer” for President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump after coronavirus diagnosis
Listen Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine declares Sunday a “Day of Prayer” for President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump after coronavirus diagnosis pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
Kanye West Sends Prayers To Donald And Melania Trump After Both Tested Positive For Coronavirus
Listen Kanye West Sends Prayers To Donald And Melania Trump After Both Tested Positive For Coronavirus pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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{{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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Trending news on Melania

Jill Biden staffs up East Wing, signaling shift from Melania Trump
Listen Jill Biden staffs up East Wing, signaling shift from Melania Trump pronunciation
Jill Biden, the president-elect's wife, has picked her chief of staff, foreshadowing a busier East Wing than that of first lady Melania Trump. Julissa Reynoso Pantaleon will lead Biden's age..View article
Washington Examiner Washington Examiner
Michelle Obama Said She "Welcomed Melania Trump" Despite Donald Trump's "Racist Lies"
Listen Michelle Obama Said She "Welcomed Melania Trump" Despite Donald Trump's "Racist Lies" pronunciation
"Our democracy is so much bigger than anybody’s ego.”
Michelle Obama Recalls Putting Her 'Anger Aside' for Transition of Power to Donald and Melania Trump
Listen Michelle Obama Recalls Putting Her 'Anger Aside' for Transition of Power to Donald and Melania Trump pronunciation
Michelle Obama offered a thinly-veiled jab at Republicans not pushing back against President Donald Trump's claims of election fraud on Monday. In a lengthy caption on Instagram, the Becomin..View article
People on MSN.com People on MSN.com
Michelle Obama recalls welcoming Melania despite Trump’s ‘racist lies’
Listen Michelle Obama recalls welcoming Melania despite Trump’s ‘racist lies’ pronunciation
Former first Lady Michelle Obama said it was not easy for her or husband Barrack Obama during the transition of power with then-President-elect Donald Trump. In a lengthy post on Instagram,..View article
Michelle Obama on Welcoming Melania Trump to the White House in 2016
Listen Michelle Obama on Welcoming Melania Trump to the White House in 2016 pronunciation
One of those people is former first lady Michelle Obama. In an Instagram post published on Monday afternoon, she opened up about her experience welcoming then-President-elect Donald Trump an..View article
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