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Max Muncy

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Meanings for Max Muncy
Max Muncy is a professional American baseball player who plays for the Los Angeles Dodgers of Major League Baseball team as an infielder.
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Collections on Max Muncy
Examples of in a sentence
Max Muncy’s two homers help power Dodgers in another rout of Giants

For Dodgers’ Max Muncy, new center field backdrop is a painful adjustment

Dave Roberts on Max Muncy: ‘I expect him to be our first baseman when the season starts’

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Trending news on Max Muncy
For Dodgers’ Max Muncy, new center field backdrop is a painful adjustment

The new backdrop is just as black, but it comes with some quirks. The singular tower of speakers just beyond dead-center is gone, replaced with a pair of towers to the left and right. The vi..View article
Pasadena Star-News
Latest on Max Muncy’s health & Pedro Baez’s return

The MLB season officially begins next week now. Can you believe it. As of now, the Dodgers are still slated to kick off their season next Thursday at home against the Giants. All signs are p..View article
SB Nation on MSN.com
Dodgers' Max Muncy: Starting in exhibition

Muncy (finger) is in the lineup for Sunday's exhibition game against the Diamondbacks. Muncy was limited in intrasquad action over the past several days while dealing with a left finger brui..View article
Dave Roberts on Max Muncy: ‘I expect him to be our first baseman when the season starts’

Still no Max Muncy in this one, nursing his left ring finger that was hit by a pitch on July 5. He’s taken batting practice but hasn’t yet taken ground balls in the field. “He’s kind of in r..View article
True Blue L.A on MSN.com
Dodgers: Max Muncy Progressing Towards Return From Injury

It's been a little over a week since Max Muncy took a fastball off of his fingers during live batting practice. Since that time, the Dodgers
Dodgers Nation


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