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Meanings for matza
It refers to the Jewish cuisine flatbread, which is traditionally made during the Passover festival.
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Collections on matza
Wiki content for matza
- Matzo, matzah, or matza (Yiddish: מצה matsoh, Hebrew: מַצָּה matsa; plural matzot; matzos of Ashkenazi Jewish dialect) is an unleavened flatbread that is part of Jewish cuisine and forms an
Matzo Ball
- The Matzo Ball is an annual Christmas Eve nightlife event and party held in a number of major cities in the United States and Canada targeted primarily at young Jewish singles and organized b
Matzah ball
- Matzah balls (Yiddish: קניידלעך kneydlekh pl., singular קניידל kneydl; with numerous other transliterations) or matzo balls are Ashkenazi Jewish soup dumplings made from a mixture of matzah
Matzah brei
- Matzah brei (Yiddish: מצה ברײַ; Hebrew: מצה בריי, matzah brei, or מצה מטוגנת, matzah metugenet, literally, "fried matzah"), sometimes spelled matzah brie or matzo brei, is a dish of Ashkenaz
Matzah pizza
- Matzah pizza (sometimes spelled matzoh pizza) is a type of pizza made by baking a piece of matzo that has been topped with sauce and cheese.
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