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Pronunciation of masher with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈmæʃə
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Meanings for masher

A masher is a food preparation utensil that is used to crush soft food for such dishes as mashed potatoes and consists of an upright or sideways handle connected to a mashing head.
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Wiki content for masher

Masher - The term masher may refer to one of the following:
Masherbrum - Masherbrum (Urdu: ما شربرم ‎; formerly known as K1) is located in the Ghanche District, Gilgit Baltistan of Pakistan.
Masherbrum Mountains - The Masherbrum Mountains (Urdu: ما شربرم پہاڑیاں‎) are a subrange of the Karakoram mountain range, in Ghanche District, Baltistan region of the Gilgit-Baltistan province in northern Pakistan.
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Examples of in a sentence

The best potato masher
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Check out the 'fastest button-masher in the world'
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Best Potato Masher
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Kitchen gadget: Potato masher
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The New We Never Learned To Live Video Is An Intense Eye-Masher
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Trending news on masher

Best Potato Masher
But it’s nearly impossible to get it just as she made them without a potato masher. A potato masher is a specifically shaped appliance that will work through the tough parts of the potato an..View article
Kitchen gadget: Potato masher
I consider this a must-have in my kitchen drawer but I have never figured out why it is called a potato masher yet it mashes more than just potatoes. The one I have is more than 15 years old..View article
standardmedia.co.ke standardmedia.co.ke
Put an end to lumpy potato mash with Amazon’s SPIRAL masher fans claim is the ‘Rolls Royce’ of kitchen gadgets
Simply trap the food under the spiral-shaped masher, press it down and mash as normal. What's more, the spring design means you don't have to pound away at your saucepan anymore while the he..View article
The Sun The Sun
The New We Never Learned To Live Video Is An Intense Eye-Masher
Brighton metallers We Never Learned To Live offer a taste of their new album in twisted new clip. Brighton metal crew We Never Learned To Live have released the video for their awesome new s..View article
Kerrang! Kerrang!
Achievement Guide for Mallard masher
After fighting the tournament in the swamp area you'll unlock the ability to swim. Now you can go to the bottom left of the swamp and there will be 3 duck guys to fight for this achievement
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