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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈmeɪzə
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Meanings for Maser

This is an acronym for "Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation", a device used to produce electromagnetic waves through amplification.
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Wiki content for Maser

Maser - A maser (, an acronym for microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is a device that produces coherent electromagnetic waves through amplification by stimulated emission.
Maserati - Maserati (Italian: [mazeˈraːti]) is an Italian luxury vehicle manufacturer. Established on 1 December 1914, in Bologna, Italy, Maserati's tagline is "Luxury, sports and style cast in exclusiv
Masoretic Text - The Masoretic Text (MT or ?) is the authoritative Hebrew and Aramaic text of the 24 books of Tanakh for Rabbinic Judaism.
Maserati Quattroporte - The Maserati Quattroporte (Italian pronunciation: [ˌkwattroˈpɔrte]) is a four-door full-size luxury sports saloon produced by Italian automobile manufacturer Maserati.
Maserati Biturbo - The Maserati Biturbo was a family of executive grand tourers produced by Italian automobile manufacturer Maserati between 1981 and 1994. The original Biturbo was a two-door, four-seater notch
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Examples of in a sentence

A limited number of 'Don't Be Afraid' prints by Maser are now available
Listen A limited number of 'Don't Be Afraid' prints by Maser are now available pronunciation
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Global Cs beam and Hydrogen Maser Atomic Clock Market : Growth during the Forecast Period, 2019-2028
Listen Global Cs beam and Hydrogen Maser Atomic Clock Market : Growth during the Forecast Period, 2019-2028 pronunciation
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Former Panthers O-line coach Mike Maser passes away
Listen Former Panthers O-line coach Mike Maser passes away pronunciation
23 ratings rating ratings
Happy Birthday, Dora Maser!
Listen Happy Birthday, Dora Maser! pronunciation
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William E. Maser
Listen William E. Maser pronunciation
19 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of Maser

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Trending news on Maser

Former offensive line coach Mike Maser dies at 72
Listen Former offensive line coach Mike Maser dies at 72 pronunciation
Former Jacksonville Jaguars offensive line coach Mike Maser has died at the age of 72, according to NBC Sports. The longtime offensive line coach worked with the Jacksonville Jaguars from 19..View article
Former Panthers O-line coach Mike Maser passes away
Listen Former Panthers O-line coach Mike Maser passes away pronunciation
Mike Maser, a respected offensive line coach with over three decades of experience at the college and pro level, passed away at the age of 72. Maser coached the Panthers’ offensive line from..View article
Carolina Panthers Carolina Panthers
Happy Birthday, Dora Maser!
Listen Happy Birthday, Dora Maser! pronunciation
Dora Lee (Rhines) Maser is celebrating her 90th birthday with a party Sept. 7, starting at 1 p.m. at 5645 K Ave., Fayette -- follow the balloons. Hosting the event will be Michelle (Missy) L..View article
The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier
William E. Maser
Listen William E. Maser pronunciation
FEDERALSBURG — William E. “Bill” Maser of Federalsburg passed away on Thursday, July 4, 2019, at University of Maryland Medical System at Easton. He was 69. He was born on Aug. 24, 1949, in..View article
The Star Democrat The Star Democrat
Longtime line coach Mike Maser dies at 72
Listen Longtime line coach Mike Maser dies at 72 pronunciation
Longtime offensive line coach Mike Maser died at age 72, the Panthers announced. After a long stint in the college game including 13 years at Boston College, Maser joined the expansion Jagua..View article
image-unavailable Yahoo Sports
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