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Pronunciation of marvellous with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈmɑːvələs
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Examples of in a sentence

The Cure; Heston’s Marvellous Menu: Back to the Noughties; The Witcher
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Storms and rain “marvellous” for green thumbs in Cairns
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A blooming marvellous effort
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Who is Heston Blumenthal from Marvellous Menu: Back to the Noughties?
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No less marvellous
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Trending news on marvellous

The Marvellous Mrs Maisel’s Alex Borstein, interview: ‘Playing a sitcom mom was not what I wanted to do’
As Susie Myerson, the irascible and scrappy rookie manager of the titular Marvelous Mrs Maisel, Alex Borstein is frequently yelling obscenities down a telephone. Which is why, when the actre..View article
The Daily Telegraph The Daily Telegraph
Heston's Marvellous Menu: Back to the Noughties: when the Heston Blumenthal documentary is on BBC Two tonight, and what to expect
By taking the action to click anywhere on this page, or by clicking the “Continue to Site” button, you agree to allow us and various third parties to store and access cookies on your device..View article
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The Marvellous Mrs Maisel season 3 review: This one will give you a sugar rush
The Marvellous Mrs Maisel is in no mood to give the luggage a rest. Season 2 went to Paris and Catskills, season 3 finds us on the road as the singing-wisecracking entourage of Shy Baldwin (..View article
Hindustan Times Hindustan Times
'Star Wars' icon Lando Calrissian's marvellous full name is revealed
Ever wondered how a man as suave as Lando Calrissian could have a mere two names? Sure, they're two pretty cool names, but it appears we've only been getting part of the story. Read more: J...View article
Bloomin' marvellous! 'Tower Hamlets in Bloom' awards for turning the East End green
Little Louis Cooper-Melchiors received special recognition for "showing passion and enthusiasm" helping out at the Cable Street community growing site. Louis, a pupil at St Peter's London Do..View article
image-unavailable Docklands & East London Advertiser
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