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Meanings for martin

A surname that is of Scottish origin.
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Wiki content for martin

Martin - Martin may refer to:
Martin Luther King Jr. - Martin Luther King Jr. (January 15, 1929 – April 4, 1968) was an American Christian minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the Civil Rights Movement from
Martin Luther - Martin Luther, , (; German: [ˈmaʁtiːn ˈlʊtɐ]; 10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546) was a German professor of theology, composer, priest, monk, and a seminal figure in the Protestant Reformat
Martin Scorsese - Martin Charles Scorsese (, Italian: [skorˈseːze; -eːse]; born November 17, 1942) is an American-Italian filmmaker, actor and historian, whose career spans more than 50 years.
Martin Van Buren - Martin Van Buren ( van BEWR-ən; born Maarten Van Buren; December 5, 1782 – July 24, 1862) was an American statesman who served as the eighth president of the United States from 1837 to 1841.
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Examples of in a sentence

Chuck Martin: Time to plant a tree
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Martin Scorsese Would Prefer That You Don’t Watch ‘The Irishman’ On Your Phone
Listen Martin Scorsese Would Prefer That You Don’t Watch ‘The Irishman’ On Your Phone pronunciation
191 ratings rating ratings
Emotional debutant Martin gives Pellegrini a lift
Listen Emotional debutant Martin gives Pellegrini a lift pronunciation
177 ratings rating ratings
Volunteers decorate Martin Luther King Drive with Christmas lights
Listen Volunteers decorate Martin Luther King Drive with Christmas lights pronunciation
162 ratings rating ratings
The Irishman iPhone Debate Gets a Response from Martin Scorsese and Netflix
Listen The Irishman iPhone Debate Gets a Response from Martin Scorsese and Netflix pronunciation
147 ratings rating ratings
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Trending news on martin

‘No Time To Die’ Bond Movie Boosts Used Aston Martin Searches By 75%, Which Would You Buy?
Listen ‘No Time To Die’ Bond Movie Boosts Used Aston Martin Searches By 75%, Which Would You Buy? pronunciation
James Bond wannabees flocked to Auto Trader after movie’s UK opening; PTs and hair transplant clinics probably similarly busy.
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James Bond's latest Aston Martin is coming to 'Rocket League'
Listen James Bond's latest Aston Martin is coming to 'Rocket League' pronunciation
It wouldn't be a new James Bond movie without a few tie-ins, and No Time to Die is clearly sticking to that rule. Psyonix and Epic Games have revealed that Bond's Aston Martin Valhalla, the..View article
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James Bond’s Aston Martin Valhalla arrives in Rocket League later this week
Listen James Bond’s Aston Martin Valhalla arrives in Rocket League later this week pronunciation
Rocket League players can soon celebrate the recent release of No Time to Die with a spot of vehicular soccer. Psyonix has teamed up with Metro Goldwyn Mayer and Aston Martin to bring James..View article
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Retired 11th Circuit Judge Beverly Martin Named Executive Director of NYU Law's Center on Civil Justice
Listen Retired 11th Circuit Judge Beverly Martin Named Executive Director of NYU Law's Center on Civil Justice pronunciation
The leadership of the center will benefit enormously from Judge Martin’s experience as a respected jurist, prosecutor and private attorney, Dean Trevor Morrison said.
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Rocket League 007 Aston Martin Valhalla Expected Release Time and Price
Listen Rocket League 007 Aston Martin Valhalla Expected Release Time and Price pronunciation
James Bond's Aston Martin Valhalla is coming to Rocket League, here's when! No Time To Die might be in cinemas worldwide right now, but the James Bond-themed action doesn’t stop there as 007..View article
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