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Margaret Mitchell

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    Meanings for Margaret Mitchell

    She was an American novelist who was popularly known for her novel 'Gone with the Wind.'
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Why Was Margaret Mitchell Terminated by Google? Timnit ...
    Listen Why Was Margaret Mitchell Terminated by Google? Timnit ... pronunciation
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    Google fires Margaret Mitchell, co-lead of its Ethical AI team
    Listen Google fires Margaret Mitchell, co-lead of its Ethical AI team pronunciation
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    Google fires AI ethics founder Margaret Mitchell
    Listen Google fires AI ethics founder Margaret Mitchell pronunciation
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    Google fires Ethical AI lead Margaret Mitchell | VentureBeat
    Listen Google fires Ethical AI lead Margaret Mitchell | VentureBeat pronunciation
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    Google fires AI ethics leader Margaret Mitchell - GulfToday
    Listen Google fires AI ethics leader Margaret Mitchell - GulfToday pronunciation
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    Trending news on Margaret Mitchell

    Google Fires AI Manager Margaret Mitchell Who Protested ...
    Listen Google Fires AI Manager Margaret Mitchell Who Protested ... pronunciation
    The firing comes a month after Mitchell also vented on Twitter about the handling of her former colleague, Timnit Gebru, who parted ways with Google late last year.
    Outlookindia Outlookindia
    Google fires top ethical AI expert Margaret Mitchell | ZDNet
    Listen Google fires top ethical AI expert Margaret Mitchell | ZDNet pronunciation
    Margaret Mitchell [right Google has fired the co-lead of the company's ethical AI unit, Margaret Mitchell, on the heels of
    ZDNet on MSN.com ZDNet on MSN.com
    Google Fires AI Ethics Manager Margaret Mitchell Who ...
    Listen Google Fires AI Ethics Manager Margaret Mitchell Who ... pronunciation
    Google has fired a leader of its artificial intelligence ethics team in the fallout from the recent departure of another former employee involved in the same field.
    CNN-News18 CNN-News18
    Margaret Mitchell: Google fires AI ethics founder
    Listen Margaret Mitchell: Google fires AI ethics founder pronunciation
    Google has fired the founder and co-head of its artificial intelligence ethics unit, claiming she violated the company's code of conduct. In a statement, Google said an investigation foun. T..View article
    Yahoo News Yahoo News
    Google fires researcher Margaret Mitchell amid chaos in AI ...
    Listen Google fires researcher Margaret Mitchell amid chaos in AI ... pronunciation
    Google on Friday said it wrapped up an internal investigation into its treatment of Timnit Gebru, a star artificial intelligence researcher who announced in December that she had been fired..View article
    CNET on MSN.com CNET on MSN.com
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