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Pronunciation of marcial with 3 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of marcial

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Meanings for marcial

Pertaining to Mars. Warlike. Relating to war.
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Pertaining to Mars. Relating to war. Warlike.
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It is a Spanish surname.
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Examples of in a sentence

Marcial Maciel: Mexican founder Legionaries of Christ 'abused 60 minors'
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Marcial Maciel: Catholic priest abused at least 60 boys as founder of conservative religious order, report says
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New motivation: Eumir Marcial fighting for buddy John Marvin
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Mexican Catholic group says late leader Marcial Maciel abused at least 60 minors
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Marcial, Suarez bolster PH boxing gold haul
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Translations of marcial

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Trending news on marcial

Tag: Marcial Maciel
At least 175 children were sexually assaulted by priests belonging to an ultra-conservative Mexican branch of the Roman Catholic Church, according to an internal report published over the we..View article
image-unavailable MercoPress
Marcial, Suarez bolster PH boxing gold haul
MANILA, Philippines – Riding the momentum their female counterparts established, Eumir Marcial and his fellow Filipino boxers hauled 5 more gold medals, wrapping up the country’s ring campai..View article
Rappler Rappler
SEA Games: Eumir Marcial too good, KOs Vietnamese to retain boxing gold
MANILA, Philippines—Seventy-one seconds was all Eumir Felix Marcial needed. Marcial retained his middleweight title in the Southeast Asian Games after knocking out Vietnam’s Manh Cuong Nguye..View article
image-unavailable Inquirerer Sports
New motivation: Eumir Marcial fighting for buddy John Marvin
MANILA, Philippines—Eumir Marcial has long been prepared for the 2019 Southeast Asian Games. But just a day before his fight, he found a new source of motivation. The reigning middleweight g..View article
image-unavailable Inquirerer Sports

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