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Pronunciation of march with 9 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : mɑːʧ
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Meanings for march

force to march
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cause to march or go at a marching pace
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the month following February and preceding April
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a degree granted for the successful completion of advanced study of architecture
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march in a procession
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Examples of in a sentence

Riots cease in Dublin against Unionist march
Listen Riots cease in Dublin against Unionist march pronunciation
57 ratings rating ratings
National Hockey League news: March 29, 2008
Listen National Hockey League news: March 29, 2008 pronunciation
53 ratings rating ratings
Thousands march to demonstrate opposition to U.S.-led wars
Listen Thousands march to demonstrate opposition to U.S.-led wars pronunciation
49 ratings rating ratings
Listen Crosswords/2005/March/19 pronunciation
45 ratings rating ratings
Listen Crosswords/2005/March/12 pronunciation
41 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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{{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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march should be in sentence

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Translations of march

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Trending news on march

Ohio State’s offense woke up against Purdue, now national title march can resume: Post-Game Time Decisions
Listen Ohio State’s offense woke up against Purdue, now national title march can resume: Post-Game Time Decisions pronunciation
Ohio State football put up 44 points in the first half against Indiana on its way to a blowout win. It topped that by a point against Purdue leading to a 59-31 win in its second game against..View article
Cleveland.com Cleveland.com
Climate talks march past deadline
Listen Climate talks march past deadline pronunciation
U.N. climate talks went into overtime on Friday, as John F. Kerry defended a draft declaration that would scale back an effort to curb the burning of fossil fuels. As discussions at COP26 en..View article
Washington Post Washington Post
West Des Moines may extend Valley Junction construction moratorium until March
Listen West Des Moines may extend Valley Junction construction moratorium until March pronunciation
West Des Moines city officials on Monday will consider extending the moratorium on Valley Junction construction until at least March. The neighborhood's halt on new builds started this summe..View article
Yahoo Yahoo
Carnival Cruises to resume Alabama operations March 5
Listen Carnival Cruises to resume Alabama operations March 5 pronunciation
Nearly two years after the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, Carnival Cruise Lines is restarting operations in Mobile.
StarTribune StarTribune
Cuban exiles pray in support of the November 15 march in Cuba
Listen Cuban exiles pray in support of the November 15 march in Cuba pronunciation
Cuban exiles pray in support for the November 15 march in Cuba in downtown Miami on Sunday, November 14, 2021.
Miami Herald Miami Herald
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{{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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