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marcello mastroianni

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Phonetic spelling of marcello mastroianni
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Meanings for marcello mastroianni
An Italian film actor, who has gained immense recognition for the movie "La Dolce Vita".
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Collections on marcello mastroianni
Wiki content for marcello mastroianni
Marcello Mastroianni
- Marcello Vincenzo Domenico Mastroianni (Italian pronunciation: [marˈtʃɛllo mastroˈjanni]; 28 September 1924 – 19 December 1996) was an Italian film actor.
Marcello Mastroianni: I Remember
- Marcello Mastroianni: I Remember (Italian: Marcello Mastroianni: mi ricordo, sì, io mi ricordo) is a 1997 Italian documentary film about the actor Marcello Mastroianni and directed by Anna Ma
Marcello Mastroianni Award
- The Marcello Mastroianni Award (Italian: Premio Marcello Mastroianni) is one of the awards given out at the Venice International Film Festival.
Examples of in a sentence
Nawazuddin Siddiqui Gives A CLASSY REPLY On Being COMPARED To Marcello Mastroianni

Costume Designer Barbara Mastroianni, Daughter of Marcello Mastroianni, Dies at 66

Film News Roundup: Maya Hawke, Charlie Plummer, Andrea Riseborough Join ‘Please Baby Please’

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Translations of marcello mastroianni
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Trending news on marcello mastroianni
Marcello Mastroianni: I Remember

This rambling reminiscence of the Italian actor's life in movies was assembled by Anna Maria Tato, Mastroianni's companion until his death in 1996. It begins with Mastroianni describing his..View article
TV Guide
Marcello Mastroianni Graces The Poster For The 2014 Cannes Film Festival

It’s been 51 years since 8 ½ was released, and yet the image of its star, Marcello Mastroianni, has not dulled a day. His classic suit and tie, an impeccable part in his hair, and those famo..View article
Cinema Blend
Marcello Mastroianni Peeks Behind His Shades in Posters for the 67th Cannes Film Festival

Conceived by Hervé Chigioni and graphic designer Gilles Frappier of the Lagency creative studio, the poster features Marcello Mastroianni based on a photogram taken from Federico Fellini‘s 8..View article
Cannes Unveils Poster Featuring Marcello Mastroianni, Fellini Film

The Cannes Film Festival unveiled its 2014 poster on Tuesday, opting for an image of actor Marcello Mastroianni drawn from the 1963 Federico Fellini film “8 ½.” Designed by Hervé Chigioni an..View article
Looking for La Dolce Vita? Snap up Marcello Mastroianni's Tuscan villa

Marcello Mastroianni with Anita Ekberg in the famous Trevi fountain scene in La Dolce Vita. The actor reportedly used the villa to entertain glamorous guests. Photograph: Ronald Grant Archiv..View article
The Guardian


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