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Wiki content for mata

Mata - Ko Mata he nohanga o Te Tai-tokerau. E ai ki Toitū Te Whenua, he nohanga (he 'locality' rānei ki te reo Pākehā) he wāhi nohoia e te tangata, engari kāore anō kia tae te nui o te taupori ki te
Matariki - He kāhui whetū e whitu a Matariki, e mōhiotia nei ko Pleiades. I ia hōtoke, ko te putanga mai o Matariki me Puanga hei whakaatu mai kua pau te tau tawhito, kua tīmata he tau hou.
Mataatua - Ko Mataatua te waka tupuna o Ngāi Tai (Waikato), Ngāi Te Rangi, Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Manawa (Mataatua), Ngāti Rangi (Mataatua), Te Whakatōhea, me Te Whānau-a-Apanui.
Mataī - Ko te Mataī he rākau whakakake o Aotearoa. He rākau roa, he pākarukaru noa te kiri. He pango ngā hua. E mata ana, he rite ngā rau ki ō te miro.
Matarau - Ko Matarau he nohanga o Te Tai-tokerau. E ai ki Toitū Te Whenua, he nohanga (he 'locality' rānei ki te reo Pākehā) he wāhi nohoia e te tangata, engari kāore anō kia tae te nui o te taupori ki
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