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Pronunciation of mandrin with 4 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈmændraɪn
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Phonetic spelling of mandrin

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Meanings for mandrin

It is a medical equipment that provides shape and stability as a stiff wire is inserted into the soft catheter and passes through a hollow tubular structure.
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Wiki content for mandrin

Examples of in a sentence

2016 Jeanne Gaillard Terres de Mandrin Syrah, IGP Collines Rhodaniennes, France
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Skype Mandrin Lessons in Australian Primary Schools
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Die, Absolut Mandrin, Die
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Louisiana National Guard 1020th Vertical Company Preps a Mandrin School Sit
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Chinese Mandrin 101: Why do you need to learn Chinese HanYu PinYin?
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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mandrin should be in sentence

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Translations of mandrin

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Trending news on mandrin

Skype Mandrin Lessons in Australian Primary Schools
Some primary schools in Australia have eyed a shortage of Chinese language teachers. Some of them have come up with the idea of having Chinese teachers from Beijing teach students Mandarin v..View article
image-unavailable CRIENGLISH
2016 Jeanne Gaillard Terres de Mandrin Syrah, IGP Collines Rhodaniennes, France
Jeanne Gaillard is Pierre Gaillard's daughter. Depending on the vintage 'Terres de Mandrin' might not be mentioned on the label.
image-unavailable Wine-Searcher
Die, Absolut Mandrin, Die
To real mixologists, pre-flavored vodka is the Circus Peanut of the cocktail world. A comical simulation and fine for a quick fix—yet upon sobering inspection, there’s always that question:..View article
The Village Voice The Village Voice
Louisiana National Guard 1020th Vertical Company Preps a Mandrin School Sit
Add the following CSS to the header block of your HTML document. Then add the mark-up below to the body block of the same document. .videoWrapper { position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%..View article
Mandrin Inpatient Care Center is refreshed, renewed and now accepting patients once again
Hospice of the Chesapeake recently announced it is once again accepting patients at the Mandrin Inpatient Care Center in Harwood. The nonprofit began admitting its first patients on Aug. 1...View article
USA Patch USA Patch
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mandrin pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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