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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈmæməθ
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Phonetic spelling of mammoth

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Meanings for mammoth

A kind of long tusk elephant in the genus †Mammuthus that is largely found in Australia.
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Examples of in a sentence

Woolly mammoth demise may have been result of climate change and overhunting
Listen Woolly mammoth demise may have been result of climate change and overhunting pronunciation
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US trade deficit increases to record high in first quarter 2005
Listen US trade deficit increases to record high in first quarter 2005 pronunciation
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Well-preserved baby mammoth found in Siberia
Listen Well-preserved baby mammoth found in Siberia pronunciation
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Plane crashes into office block in Austin, Texas/suicide note
Listen Plane crashes into office block in Austin, Texas/suicide note pronunciation
44 ratings rating ratings
Houston Astros win 2005 National League baseball pennant
Listen Houston Astros win 2005 National League baseball pennant pronunciation
40 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of mammoth

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Trending news on mammoth

Watch the absurdly slow crash of 2 mammoth cruise ships
Two Carnival cruise ships collided in Cozumel, Mexico, on Friday. The Carnival Glory was "maneuvering to dock," the cruise company reported, when it struck the Carnival Legend, which was alr..View article
Column: Trump’s tax cut was a mammoth fraud
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Blackcaps facing mammoth task to stay in test series
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EVGA's no-compromises GeForce RTX 2080 Super gets a mammoth discount
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PC World PC World
How 2019’s mammoth bond rally buoyed the entire eurozone
This year’s rally reached all corners of the eurozone’s sovereign bond market. Every member of the currency bloc has seen its 10-year bond yield hit an all-time low. While Germany’s debt sto..View article
The Financial Times The Financial Times
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