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Pronunciation of malevolent with 6 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : məˈlevələnt
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    Meanings for malevolent

    It is a horror thriller British movie in English directed by Olaf de Fleur Johannesson in 2018.
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    It is a horror thriller British movie in English directed by Olaf de Fleur Johannesson in 2018.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Blizzard Entertainment's victory over bnetd sealed in Appeals Court
    Listen Blizzard Entertainment's victory over bnetd sealed in Appeals Court pronunciation
    90 ratings rating ratings
    Police, militia confront looters in Bishkek, leaders say city now calm
    Listen Police, militia confront looters in Bishkek, leaders say city now calm pronunciation
    83 ratings rating ratings
    Hundreds of thousands protest anti-secession law in Taiwan
    Listen Hundreds of thousands protest anti-secession law in Taiwan pronunciation
    77 ratings rating ratings
    Shakespeare would have us believe it was a crooked back, an unloving mother and streak of malevolent evil that made Richard III such a bad king
    0 rating rating ratings
    UCT: Triumph of the malevolent minority
    Listen UCT: Triumph of the malevolent minority pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on malevolent

    Merkel's malevolent advice to Netanyahu
    Listen Merkel's malevolent advice to Netanyahu pronunciation
    The latter was a malevolent advice. The word is chosen over more euphemistic terms such as misguided, counter-productive, antagonistic, confrontational, aggressive, disingenuous, disruptive..View article
    image-unavailable Arutz Sheva
    Jonah Goldberg: For Democrats, filibuster is only a malevolent tool when Republicans wield it
    Listen Jonah Goldberg: For Democrats, filibuster is only a malevolent tool when Republicans wield it pronunciation
    I get the idea of curses or bad karma. The house where a triple murder took place is going to sell for less than the one next door no matter how much you scrub the stains. I wouldn’t want to..View article
    image-unavailable The News & Advance
    Hand Cranking The Malevolent Mechanical Pumpkin
    Listen Hand Cranking The Malevolent Mechanical Pumpkin pronunciation
    Meet Marty. He’s a pumpkin that has been fitted out with a moving eyes, tongue and an expression of malevolent glee. You would probably assume that this is all driven by servos, right?
    image-unavailable Hackaday
    SETI Research Director Warns of “Malevolent” Alien Civilizations
    Listen SETI Research Director Warns of “Malevolent” Alien Civilizations pronunciation
    “There probably are malevolent civilizations elsewhere in the universe so that’s certainly something that we should consider as we continue to explore the universe.” Siemion, who’s the ...
    image-unavailable Futurism
    UCT: Triumph of the malevolent minority
    Listen UCT: Triumph of the malevolent minority pronunciation
    The University of Cape Town (UCT) remains under siege by an unrepentant violent minority Last Friday (23 September), after counselling a distraught father concerned about the future of his t..View article
    image-unavailable politicsweb.co.za
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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