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Phonetic spelling of Maksym

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Meanings for Maksym

Its a name given to a boy which means "The greatest"
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Wiki content for Maksym

Maksim Shatskikh - Maksim Aleksandrovich Shatskikh (Russian: Максим Александрович Шацких; born 30 August 1978) is an Uzbekistani former professional footballer of Russian origin.
Maksym Spodyriev - Maksym Spodyriev (Ukrainian: Максим Сподирєв; born 29 December 1993) is a Polish ice dancer. With his skating partner, Natalia Kaliszek, he has won medals on the ISU Challenger Series, includ
Maksym Koval - Maksym Anatoliyovych Koval (Ukrainian: Максим Анатолійович Коваль; born 9 December 1992) is a professional Ukrainian football goalkeeper who plays for Al-Fateh.
Maksym Kalynychenko - Maksym Serhiyovych Kalynychenko (Ukrainian: Максим Сергійович Калиниченко; born 26 January 1979) is a retired Ukrainian football midfielder, who played in central midfield or as a winger.
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Examples of in a sentence

Maksym Kovalenko receives Rössler Prize
Listen Maksym Kovalenko receives Rössler Prize pronunciation
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NACB Detectives Employing Soviet Methods In Their Work - Maksym Berezkin
Listen NACB Detectives Employing Soviet Methods In Their Work - Maksym Berezkin pronunciation
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Criminal Prosecution Organized By NACB Looking Like A Corrupt Scheme To Sell Collateralized Property - Maksym Berezkin
Listen Criminal Prosecution Organized By NACB Looking Like A Corrupt Scheme To Sell Collateralized Property - Maksym Berezkin pronunciation
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Maksym Chernysh: Only 26, he is now a commander of older men, ‘a true warrior’ with a bright future
Listen Maksym Chernysh: Only 26, he is now a commander of older men, ‘a true warrior’ with a bright future pronunciation
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Glagoslav Publications Releases a Book of Poetry by the Ukrainian Poet Maksym Rylsky in the Ukrainian Collection
Listen Glagoslav Publications Releases a Book of Poetry by the Ukrainian Poet Maksym Rylsky in the Ukrainian Collection pronunciation
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Translations of Maksym

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Trending news on Maksym

NACB Detectives Employing Soviet Methods In Their Work - Maksym Berezkin
Listen NACB Detectives Employing Soviet Methods In Their Work - Maksym Berezkin pronunciation
Former supervisory board chairperson of the Creative Group Maksym Berezkin said this in an interview for the Ukrainian News Agency. "You know, what is happening right now reminds me of the 1..View article
Criminal Prosecution Organized By NACB Looking Like A Corrupt Scheme To Sell Collateralized Property - Maksym Berezkin
Listen Criminal Prosecution Organized By NACB Looking Like A Corrupt Scheme To Sell Collateralized Property - Maksym Berezkin pronunciation
Ex-supervisory board chairperson of the Creative Group, Maksym Berezkin, said this to the Ukrainian News Agency. "Someone will pocket the profit, and the detectives will obtain an evidence o..View article
Maksym Chernysh: Only 26, he is now a commander of older men, ‘a true warrior’ with a bright future
Listen Maksym Chernysh: Only 26, he is now a commander of older men, ‘a true warrior’ with a bright future pronunciation
Maksym Chernysh decided to launch his career in the military in 2011 at the age of 19, just after he earned his diploma as a stock manager in his native Khmelnytskyi. Without much hesitation..View article
Kyiv Post Kyiv Post
Glagoslav Publications Releases a Book of Poetry by the Ukrainian Poet Maksym Rylsky in the Ukrainian Collection
Listen Glagoslav Publications Releases a Book of Poetry by the Ukrainian Poet Maksym Rylsky in the Ukrainian Collection pronunciation
Maksym Rylsky is one of the most outstanding Ukrainian poets of the the 20th century and master of the genres of the modern sonnet and the long narrative poem. He was closely associated with..View article
BroadwayWorld BroadwayWorld
Maksym Kamenev: What are Poroshenko’s odds for 2019 Ukrainian presidential election?
Listen Maksym Kamenev: What are Poroshenko’s odds for 2019 Ukrainian presidential election? pronunciation
Eight months before the next Ukrainian presidential election, current president Petro Poroshenko’s support rate fluctuates between 5 percent and 8 percent. Yulia Tymoshenko, head of the Batk..View article
Kyiv Post Kyiv Post
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