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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈmædəlɪn
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Meanings for madeleine

The madeleine or petite madeleine is a traditional small cake from Commercy and Liverdun, two communes of the Lorraine region in northeastern France.
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Madeleine is a type of traditional cake
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Examples of in a sentence

Louis Audet of Cogeco and Madeleine Paquin of LOGISTEC named 2020 Great builders of the Quebec economy
Listen Louis Audet of Cogeco and Madeleine Paquin of LOGISTEC named 2020 Great builders of the Quebec economy pronunciation
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Queen Silvia and Princess Madeleine took part in the online Virtual ThankYou Gala 2020
Listen Queen Silvia and Princess Madeleine took part in the online Virtual ThankYou Gala 2020 pronunciation
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Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner to stay jailed at least till 2026 for raping 72-year-old woman
Listen Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner to stay jailed at least till 2026 for raping 72-year-old woman pronunciation
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Madeleine Albright, Michael Chertoff on importance of peaceful transfer of power
Listen Madeleine Albright, Michael Chertoff on importance of peaceful transfer of power pronunciation
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Madeleine McCann suspect injured during incident at German court
Listen Madeleine McCann suspect injured during incident at German court pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on madeleine

Louis Audet of Cogeco and Madeleine Paquin of LOGISTEC named 2020 Great builders of the Quebec economy
Listen Louis Audet of Cogeco and Madeleine Paquin of LOGISTEC named 2020 Great builders of the Quebec economy pronunciation
As part of its biennial celebration of the Great builders of the Quebec economy, the IGOPP has named Louis Audet, Executive Chair of the Board of Cogeco, and Madeleine Paquin, President and..View article
Business Insider Business Insider
Brit Madeleine McCann cops hold crunch meeting with German & Portuguese police in Lisbon in bid to find missing toddler
Listen Brit Madeleine McCann cops hold crunch meeting with German & Portuguese police in Lisbon in bid to find missing toddler pronunciation
SCOTLAND Yard detectives have reportedly held a secret meeting with German and Portuguese police in Lisbon in a bid to find Madeleine McCann. The aim of the conference was to fine-tune suspe..View article
image-unavailable The Sun
Madeleine McCann UK police 'join Lisbon summit to find where tot might be buried'
Listen Madeleine McCann UK police 'join Lisbon summit to find where tot might be buried' pronunciation
British police investigating the disappearance of Madeleine McCann reportedly held a crunch meeting with German and Portuguese counterparts. The crunch talks were aimed at working out where..View article
image-unavailable The Mirror
Heed Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright's warning of domestic threats to democracy | Opinion
Listen Heed Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright's warning of domestic threats to democracy | Opinion pronunciation
To the world, Donald Trump’s apparent defeat spelled relief and a snap back to the type of outward-facing America that had been taken for granted.
Tennessean Tennessean
Madeleine Albright, Judy Woodruff Headline America’s Role In The World Conference
Listen Madeleine Albright, Judy Woodruff Headline America’s Role In The World Conference pronunciation
The Indiana University Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies’ sixth conference on America’s Role in the World will pay tribute to former U.S. Rep. Lee H. Hamilton, one of..View article
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{{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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