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Learn how to pronounce Lynx rufus

Lynx rufus

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Pronunciation of Lynx rufus with 3 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for Lynx rufus

The scientific name for a bobcat, which is a North American mammal belonging to the family Felidae which includes domestic cat species.
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small lynx of North America
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Lynx rufus, a bobcat is a medium-sized cat which is the native of North America from southern Canada and also from United States to Oaxaca in Mexico.
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Wiki content for Lynx rufus

Examples of in a sentence

Bobcat (Lynx rufus)
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Roadkill and space use data predict vehicle-strike hotspots and mortality rates in a recovering bobcat (Lynx rufus) population
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Bison no longer roam the plains, and the elk has been driven out; but among the larger mammals still to be found in certain districts are the deer, prong-horn (in small numbers), puma, coyote, timber wolf, lynx (Lynx rufus and Lynx Canadensis) and the black and grizzly bear.
Listen Bison no longer roam the plains, and the elk has been driven out; but among the larger mammals still to be found in certain districts are the deer, prong-horn (in small numbers), puma, coyote, timber wolf, lynx (Lynx rufus and Lynx Canadensis) and the black and grizzly bear. pronunciation
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Trending news on Lynx rufus

Bobcat (Lynx rufus)
Bobcat (Lynx rufus) Claim to fame: Bobcats are one of the animals included in the state’s trapping season, which runs Nov. 15 through J... Check out this story on ...
image-unavailable Springfield News-Leader
Roadkill and space use data predict vehicle-strike hotspots and mortality rates in a recovering bobcat (Lynx rufus) population
Roadways pose challenges for conserving wide-ranging animal species. As bobcat (Lynx rufus) populations recover in Ohio, an accurate evaluation of population metrics is critical to understan..View article
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