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Pronunciation of loyalty with 5 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈlɔɪəltɪ
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Phonetic spelling of loyalty

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Meanings for loyalty

It is a noun the value of being truthful.
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Synonyms for loyalty

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Antonyms for loyalty

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Examples of in a sentence

Israel's Knesset considers 'loyalty' law
Listen Israel's Knesset considers 'loyalty' law pronunciation
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Eurovision '82 winner Nicole talks about 'Ein bißchen Frieden', her success and the Contest today
Listen Eurovision '82 winner Nicole talks about 'Ein bißchen Frieden', her success and the Contest today pronunciation
25 ratings rating ratings
Strong earthquakes in Indian and Pacific Oceans
Listen Strong earthquakes in Indian and Pacific Oceans pronunciation
24 ratings rating ratings
Sam's Club to cut 11,000 jobs
Listen Sam's Club to cut 11,000 jobs pronunciation
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Dida and Milan face UEFA charges over Celtic fan incident
Listen Dida and Milan face UEFA charges over Celtic fan incident pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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loyalty should be in sentence

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Translations of loyalty

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Trending news on loyalty

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HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam, Dec. 27, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- On December 20 th, 2019, SoPa Technology Co. Ltd. (Society Pass), SEA's leading universal consumer loyalty platform, conducted its of..View article
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New Report: Leveraging Hotel Loyalty to Design Successful Business Travel Programs
But their business travelers frequently ignore those demands, choosing to purchase whatever is most convenient, cheap, or easy to use. Could hotel loyalty programs offer a solution to the im..View article
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Toby Alderweireld says being loyal motivated him to sign a new contract with Tottenham Hotspur, a club he didn't want to leave, despite a host of rumours linking the defender with a move. Al..View article
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