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Pronunciation of Lou with 4 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : luː
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Phonetic spelling of Lou

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Meanings for Lou

French name for famous soldier, good warrior
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A popular surname that is of Chinese origin.
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Synonyms for Lou

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Wiki content for Lou

Lou - Lou may refer to:
Louis Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma - Admiral of the Fleet Louis Francis Albert Victor Nicholas Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma (born Prince Louis of Battenberg; 25 June 1900 – 27 August 1979) was a British Royal Navy
Louis XIV of France - Louis XIV (Louis Dieudonné; 5 September 1638 – 1 September 1715), known as Louis the Great (Louis le Grand) or the Sun King (le Roi Soleil), was King of France from 14 May 1643 until his dea
Louisiana - Louisiana is a state in the Deep South region of the South Central United States. It is the 31st most extensive and the 25th most populous of the 50 United States.
Louvre - The Louvre (English: LOOV(-rə)), or the Louvre Museum (French: Musée du Louvre [myze dy luvʁ] (listen)), is the world's largest art museum and a historic monument in Paris, France.
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Examples of in a sentence

WWE Hall of Fame manager Captain Lou Albano dies at 76
Listen WWE Hall of Fame manager Captain Lou Albano dies at 76 pronunciation
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Lou Piniella retires after fifty years of baseball
Listen Lou Piniella retires after fifty years of baseball pronunciation
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Singer Lou Rawls dies of cancer
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American botanist Lou Jost discovers world's smallest orchid
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Meadowlands: Sweet Lou takes eighth straight in U.S. Pacing Championship
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Translations of Lou

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