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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : luːm
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Meanings for loom

Loom, Inc. is a technology company founded in 2015 by Vinay Hiremath, Shahed Khan, and Joe Thomas in San Francisco, CA, USA.
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Examples of in a sentence

Esports careers loom in Philippines with college league
Listen Esports careers loom in Philippines with college league pronunciation
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$600M rail bond will be on ballot; many questions still loom
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PG&E seeks to recover array of costs, higher monthly bills loom
Listen PG&E seeks to recover array of costs, higher monthly bills loom pronunciation
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Union Veteran Takes Over at Emily’s List as Abortion Fights Loom
Listen Union Veteran Takes Over at Emily’s List as Abortion Fights Loom pronunciation
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US STOCKS-S&P 500 snaps losing streak as tax hikes, inflation data loom
Listen US STOCKS-S&P 500 snaps losing streak as tax hikes, inflation data loom pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on loom

US STOCKS-S&P 500 snaps losing streak as tax hikes, inflation data loom
Listen US STOCKS-S&P 500 snaps losing streak as tax hikes, inflation data loom pronunciation
The S&P 500 .SPX ended higher on Monday, snapping a five-day losing streak as investors focused on potential corporate tax hikes and upcoming economic data. While the Dow Jones Industrial Av..View article
Nasdaq Nasdaq
Afghan family arrives in Houston with newborn as questions loom about access to benefits
Listen Afghan family arrives in Houston with newborn as questions loom about access to benefits pronunciation
Safia held close her newborn baby girl, swaddled in a pink blanket, as she and her husband walked into their new apartment in Houston after a month-long journey from Afghanistan. The family..View article
Houston Chronicle Houston Chronicle
Meanwhile back at City Hall, some questions loom
Listen Meanwhile back at City Hall, some questions loom pronunciation
Major issues face Little Rock city government and they seem likely to pit members of the City Board against the mayor.
Arkansas Times Arkansas Times
Launch of Maui Safer Outside runs smooth for businesses; Concerns loom over program’s duration
Listen Launch of Maui Safer Outside runs smooth for businesses; Concerns loom over program’s duration pronunciation
Sept. 15, customers 12 years and older must show proof of COVID vaccination under the Maui Safer Outdoors order. Unvaccinated guests can eat in outdoor areas or grab takeout.
Does another decade of inflation loom ahead?
Listen Does another decade of inflation loom ahead? pronunciation
President Richard Nixon’s administration began a futile attempt to fight inflation. The specifics surrounding its efforts are being eerily repeated today. Consumers and policymakers should b..View article
Washington Examiner Washington Examiner
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