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    Video Pronunciation of Lompoc in English

    Phonetic spelling of Lompoc

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    Meanings for Lompoc

    Lompoc is a city situated in the US state of California. It is best known for the points Downtown scene, Veterans Memorial Building, La Purísima Concepción Church, and Purisima Mission
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    Wiki content for Lompoc

    Lompoc, California - Lompoc (, LOM-poke) (Purisimeño: Lompo', "Stagnant Water" ; Spanish: Lumpoco) is a city in Santa Barbara County, California.
    Lompoc Fire Department - The Lompoc Fire Department (LFD) provides fire protection and emergency medical services for Lompoc, California.
    Lompoc Unified School District - The Lompoc Unified School District is located in the City of Lompoc, California and operates schools in and around the city, servicing Lompoc, Mission Hills, Vandenberg Village, and Vandenber
    Lompoc High School - Lompoc High School is the public high school serving Lompoc, in northern Santa Barbara County, California, United States.
    Lompoc Valley Medical Center - Lompoc Valley Medical Center: Hospital, owned and operated by Lompoc Valley Medical Center, is a 60-bed general acute care rural hospital located in Lompoc, California.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Lompoc mayor to light Christmas tree in Centennial Park
    Listen Lompoc mayor to light Christmas tree in Centennial Park pronunciation
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    Lompoc police reports arrest of multiple gang members
    Listen Lompoc police reports arrest of multiple gang members pronunciation
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    Lompoc-based filmmaker and Mad Sin Cinema founder Shane Ryan discusses upcoming projects
    Listen Lompoc-based filmmaker and Mad Sin Cinema founder Shane Ryan discusses upcoming projects pronunciation
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    Elevate Lompoc
    Listen Elevate Lompoc pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Fatal traffic collision in Lompoc Wednesday morning
    Listen Fatal traffic collision in Lompoc Wednesday morning pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of Lompoc

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    Trending news on Lompoc

    Lompoc Mayor To Light Centennial Park Christmas Tree
    Listen Lompoc Mayor To Light Centennial Park Christmas Tree pronunciation
    Lompoc Mayor Jenelle Osborne will light the Christmas tree in Centennial Park at 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 4. The community is asked to view the tree lighting from the safety and comfort of their..View article
    image-unavailable Noozhawk
    Toyota of Lompoc
    Listen Toyota of Lompoc pronunciation
    It was under warranty, so I assume Toyota of Lompoc just didn't want to do warranty work. This place has a culture of dishonesty and poor quality. Go anywhere else! There was no pressure.
    image-unavailable Cars.com
    34 Bed Mental Health Rehabilitation Center Opens in Lompoc
    Listen 34 Bed Mental Health Rehabilitation Center Opens in Lompoc pronunciation
    Located at the Champion’s Center in Lompoc, this program will open on Monday, November 30 and provide 34 beds for people experiencing the impact of mental illness. With the support of this p..View article
    image-unavailable Santa Barbara Independent
    Used Honda Accord for Sale in Lompoc, CA
    Listen Used Honda Accord for Sale in Lompoc, CA pronunciation
    We'll email you when new cars are added or there's a drop in price. You can manage your searches in your profile. You can only compare up to 4 cars at a time. Sorry ...
    image-unavailable Cars.com
    Mossimo Giannulli reports to prison in Lompoc for five-month sentence
    Listen Mossimo Giannulli reports to prison in Lompoc for five-month sentence pronunciation
    Mossimo Giannulli reported to a federal prison in Lompoc Thursday for five months. He is in custody at a federal prison in Lompoc near Santa Barbara, California, a Bureau of Prisons spokespe..View article
    image-unavailable Radio
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
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