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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈlɪvɪŋstən
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Phonetic spelling of livingston

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Meanings for livingston

An Indian actor is prominent for his role in the film En Purushan Kuzhandhai Maadhiri.
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Wiki content for livingston

Livingston - Livingston may refer to:
Livingston F.C. - Livingston Football Club is a Scottish professional football club based in Livingston, West Lothian.
Livingston, New Jersey - Livingston is a township in Essex County, New Jersey, United States. As of the 2010 United States Census, the township's population was 29,366, reflecting an increase of 1,975 (+7.2%) from th
Livingston, West Lothian - Livingston (Scots: Leivinstoun, Scottish Gaelic: Baile Laobhainn) is the largest town in West Lothian, Scotland.
Livingston Taylor - Livingston Taylor (born November 21, 1950) is an American singer-songwriter and folk musician. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, and raised in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, he is the brother of s
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Examples of in a sentence

This Robert Livingston, founder of the American family, became in 1675 secretary of the important Board of Indian Commissioners; he was a member of the New York Assembly in1711-1715and 1716-1727 and its speaker in 1718-1725, and in 1701 made the proposal that all the English colonies in America shou
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Livingston boss John McGlynn calls spicy Championship season 'more like chicken curry than bread and butter'
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