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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈlaɪ̯ən
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    Meanings for lion

    It is an Australian movie that is of the biographical genre, is directed by Garth Davis, and adopted from the book A Long Way Home, is about a young man in search of his real family.
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    Wiki content for lion

    Examples of in a sentence

    Another Cecil: Lion allegedly killed by American hunter in Zimbabwe
    Listen Another Cecil: Lion allegedly killed by American hunter in Zimbabwe pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    LION Publishers
    Listen LION Publishers pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Escaped lion wanders streets of Cambodian capital
    Listen Escaped lion wanders streets of Cambodian capital pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Pet Lion Spotted Wandering on Streets of Cambodia’s Phnom Penh After Escaping From Villa | Watch
    Listen Pet Lion Spotted Wandering on Streets of Cambodia’s Phnom Penh After Escaping From Villa | Watch pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Majestic Mopane the lion was ‘shot dead with bow and arrow by US trophy hunter who lured him away from his two prides’
    Listen Majestic Mopane the lion was ‘shot dead with bow and arrow by US trophy hunter who lured him away from his two prides’ pronunciation
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    Trending news on lion

    Springfield Brewery White Lion Brewing Company partners with Basketball Hall of Fame for special beer
    Listen Springfield Brewery White Lion Brewing Company partners with Basketball Hall of Fame for special beer pronunciation
    The Enshrinement Legend Series will be released on Tuesday, Aug. 17, 5 p.m. in the taproom at White Lion Brewing.
    MassLive MassLive
    Food Lion Will Hold Walk-In Job Interviews At All 1,100 Stores On Aug. 24
    Listen Food Lion Will Hold Walk-In Job Interviews At All 1,100 Stores On Aug. 24 pronunciation
    Potential applicants can walk into any store from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Aug. 24 and discuss open positions with a manager. Openings vary by store but may include full-time, part-time and seaso..View article
    CBS Baltimore on MSN.com CBS Baltimore on MSN.com
    Food Lion deals Aug. 18-24: Pizza dough balls, ice cream, split chicken breast, whole chickens, tomatoes
    Listen Food Lion deals Aug. 18-24: Pizza dough balls, ice cream, split chicken breast, whole chickens, tomatoes pronunciation
    Food Lion has good deals starting August 18 including tomatoes, split chicken breast, whole chickens, pizza dough balls, ice cream, Quaker bars and more!
    Prosecutor: BAC of former Detroit Lion in crash was possibly more than twice state limit
    Listen Prosecutor: BAC of former Detroit Lion in crash was possibly more than twice state limit pronunciation
    Former Detroit Lion Alex Brown faces operating while under the influence causing serious injury and reckless driving causing serious injury charges.
    Detroit News Detroit News
    All Food Lion stores to host open interviews on August 24th
    Listen All Food Lion stores to host open interviews on August 24th pronunciation
    Each of Food Lion’s more than 1,100 stores will host open interviews Tuesday, August 24, from 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. Applicants can simply walk into their nearest Food Lion during
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
    image-unavailable image-unavailable
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