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Meanings for Lilly

It is an American pharmaceutical company that was founded in the year 1876.
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Lily is a feminine given name usually derived from lily, the flower. The name became particularly popular along with other flower names for girls during the 1800s and early 1900s. The lily also has associations with and has been symbolic of innocence and purity in Christian ar
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Wiki content for Lilly

Lilly - Lilly may refer to:
Lily Allen - Lily Rose Beatrice Cooper (née Allen; born 2 May 1985) is an English singer and songwriter. She is the daughter of actor Keith Allen and film producer Alison Owen.
Lilly Singh - Lilly Singh (born September 26, 1988) is a Canadian YouTuber, comedian, talk show host and actress, formerly known as IISuperwomanII.
Lily Tomlin - Mary Jean "Lily" Tomlin (born September 1, 1939) is an American actress, comedian, writer, singer and producer.
Lily James - Lily Chloe Ninette Thomson (born 5 April 1989), known professionally as Lily James, is an English actress.
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Examples of in a sentence

Stock Update (NYSE:LLY): FDA Grants Tentative Approval for Lilly and ...
48 ratings rating ratings
Chamberlain College of Nursing Appoints Dr. Vivian Lilly as Houston Campus President and Dr. Mary Judith Yoho as ...
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It is mentioned in a comedy entitled Ram Alley (1611) and Lilly the 2 Various changes in the names of the taverns are made in the folio edition of this play (1616) from the quarto (1601); thus the Mermaid of the quarto becomes the Windmill in the folio, and the Mitre of the quarto is the Star of the
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Lilly opens late-stage RET fusion-positive NSCLC study
Listen Lilly opens late-stage RET fusion-positive NSCLC study pronunciation
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Woodlands pastor gets grant funds for sabbatical from Lilly Endowment
Listen Woodlands pastor gets grant funds for sabbatical from Lilly Endowment pronunciation
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Translations of Lilly

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Trending news on Lilly

Woodlands pastor gets grant funds for sabbatical from Lilly Endowment
Listen Woodlands pastor gets grant funds for sabbatical from Lilly Endowment pronunciation
With this practice in mind, Pastor Sean Steele of St. Isidore Episcopal Church in The Woodlands started planning his sabbatical for next summer and took a chance on a funding opportunity tha..View article
Houston Chronicle Houston Chronicle
Eli Lilly and Company Invests in Medicine Innovation and New Jobs
Listen Eli Lilly and Company Invests in Medicine Innovation and New Jobs pronunciation
In part enabled by the recent tax reform law, Indiana-based pharmaceutical manufacturer Eli Lilly and Company (“Lilly”) is investing $400 million in its Lilly Technology Center campus in Ind..View article
National Association of Manufacturers National Association of Manufacturers
Neuroleptics Market Global Outlook 2025 | Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Bristol-Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca
Listen Neuroleptics Market Global Outlook 2025 | Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Bristol-Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca pronunciation
Mode=19&Source=MW Profiling Top Companies Of Global Neuroleptics MarketJohnson & Johnson, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Bristol-Myers Squibb, AstraZeneca, GSK, Allergan, and Other MARKET SEGMENTATION B..View article
MarketWatch MarketWatch
ASH: Eli Lilly plots 'ambitious' cancer program after sharing early BTK data
Listen ASH: Eli Lilly plots 'ambitious' cancer program after sharing early BTK data pronunciation
Eli Lilly shared early clinical data on the BTK inhibitor it acquired with Loxo Oncology—and the numbers have Lilly outlining plans for “an ambitious comprehensive development program." Lill..View article
FierceBiotech FierceBiotech
Delta, Yorktown seniors chosen as 2020 Lilly Endowment Scholars
Listen Delta, Yorktown seniors chosen as 2020 Lilly Endowment Scholars pronunciation
Delta, Yorktown seniors chosen as 2020 Lilly Endowment Scholars The Lilly Scholarship is a four-year award that grants full tuition to any accredited public or private nonprofit college or u..View article
The Star Press The Star Press
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