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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈlaɪklɪ
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likely candidate
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Wiki content for likely

Examples of in a sentence

At least 71 deaths in Mexico 'likely linked' to swine flu outbreak
Listen At least 71 deaths in Mexico 'likely linked' to swine flu outbreak pronunciation
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Poll predicts another Liberal Party minority government in Canada
Listen Poll predicts another Liberal Party minority government in Canada pronunciation
21 ratings rating ratings
Pakistani Taliban threaten revenge attack after bin Laden death; CIA says retaliation is likely
Listen Pakistani Taliban threaten revenge attack after bin Laden death; CIA says retaliation is likely pronunciation
19 ratings rating ratings
Woman hospitalized after allegedly stabbing daughter to death at Fort MacArthur, California
Listen Woman hospitalized after allegedly stabbing daughter to death at Fort MacArthur, California pronunciation
18 ratings rating ratings
Study finds children from single-parent homes more likely to be sexually abused
Listen Study finds children from single-parent homes more likely to be sexually abused pronunciation
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Trending news on likely

Flooding In Valley Likely In Post-Christmas Downpour
The rain is anticipated to taper off Friday, making way for a warmer weekend, but water will most likely remain in local canals going into Friday, according to the NWS. Palm Springs receives..View article
Patch Patch
NLRB restores standard that makes deferral to arbitrators more likely
The National Labor Relations Board has overturned an Obama-era standard that had made the agency less likely to defer to arbitrators’ decisions in labor disputes and reinstated the decades-o..View article
Reuters Reuters
REVIEW: Criminal #11 “If Crime Stories Are Your Jam, This Will Likely Pique Your Interests”
The pacing here is the best part as the intensity rises and climbs towards the plot twist ending. Let’s talk about that ending, though: if this isn’t your first issue of Criminal, or even yo..View article
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Strange lights seen in the sky in northern Montana are likely SpaceX 'Starlink' satellites
GREAT FALLS, Mont. — Reports of a r ow of strange lights seen in northern Montana are likely satellites launched by SpaceX, according to numerous media reports. Scripps station KRTV in Great..View article
7News and TheDenverChannel.com 7News and TheDenverChannel.com
Mother, children ID’d in likely double murder-suicide at Boston garage Christmas Day
At a press conference Thursday, Rollins identified the woman as 40-year-old Erin Pascal, and her children as 4-year-old Allison and 15-month-old Andrew. She said the family lived in West Rox..View article
The Boston Globe The Boston Globe
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