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IPA : laɪt
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    Meanings for light

    mental understanding as an enlightening experience
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    any device serving as a source of illumination
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    the visual effect of illumination on objects or scenes as created in pictures
    0 rating rating ratings
    brightness and animation of countenance
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    a person regarded very fondly
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    Wiki content for light

    Examples of in a sentence

    US Supreme Court allows 'light' cigarettes lawsuits
    Listen US Supreme Court allows 'light' cigarettes lawsuits pronunciation
    50 ratings rating ratings
    Two dead after two light aircraft crash in Isle of Wight, England
    Listen Two dead after two light aircraft crash in Isle of Wight, England pronunciation
    47 ratings rating ratings
    Light stopped for over a second
    Listen Light stopped for over a second pronunciation
    43 ratings rating ratings
    'Guiding Light' to flicker out after 72 years on radio, TV
    Listen 'Guiding Light' to flicker out after 72 years on radio, TV pronunciation
    40 ratings rating ratings
    Two light aircraft in mid-air collision near East Midlands Airport
    Listen Two light aircraft in mid-air collision near East Midlands Airport pronunciation
    36 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on light

    Olympics-Biles withdraws from two finals, Ledecky and Dressel light up the pool
    Listen Olympics-Biles withdraws from two finals, Ledecky and Dressel light up the pool pronunciation
    U.S. gymnast Simone Biles withdrew from two more finals https://www.reuters.com/lifestyle/sports/gymnastics-american-simone-biles-withdraws-event-finals-vault-uneven-bars-us-2021-07-31 in To..View article
    Reuters on MSN.com Reuters on MSN.com
    Businesses weigh asking customers to put masks back on in light of new CDC guidelines. ‘For most people, this is a huge step backward.’
    Listen Businesses weigh asking customers to put masks back on in light of new CDC guidelines. ‘For most people, this is a huge step backward.’ pronunciation
    New guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention this week advising everyone to wear masks indoors in places where COVID-19 cases are rising left some Chicago-area businesses..View article
    Chicago Tribune on MSN.com Chicago Tribune on MSN.com
    Gloucester shines light on the wives of fishermen
    Listen Gloucester shines light on the wives of fishermen pronunciation
    On Thursday, Aug 5, the Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Memorial will be illuminated with a vibrant light art display accompanied by an immersive soundscape featuring stories told by contempora..View article
    The Boston Globe on MSN.com The Boston Globe on MSN.com
    Final suspect in Trenton riot admits trying to light cop car on fire, feds say
    Listen Final suspect in Trenton riot admits trying to light cop car on fire, feds say pronunciation
    The May 2020 rioting in downtown Trenton damaged dozens of storefronts and left two police cars burned and damaged.
    NJ.com on MSN.com NJ.com on MSN.com
    A New Document Sheds Light on Protests of Charles and Diana’s 1983 Tour of the South Pacific
    Listen A New Document Sheds Light on Protests of Charles and Diana’s 1983 Tour of the South Pacific pronunciation
    In a letter to the British government, a diplomat explained that the royal couple was mooned by an activist in New Zealand, but were otherwise liked by the people they encountered.
    Vanity Fair Vanity Fair
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