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    Examples of in a sentence

    Sen. Paul says Fauci 'lied again' after release of documents on Wuhan coronavirus research
    Listen Sen. Paul says Fauci 'lied again' after release of documents on Wuhan coronavirus research pronunciation
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    Rand Paul says new Wuhan documents show Fauci lied
    Listen Rand Paul says new Wuhan documents show Fauci lied pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Why are people saying that Dr. Anthony Fauci lied?
    Listen Why are people saying that Dr. Anthony Fauci lied? pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Rand Paul says Fauci 'lied again' after release of documents on Wuhan coronavirus research
    Listen Rand Paul says Fauci 'lied again' after release of documents on Wuhan coronavirus research pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Woman dumps her fiancé after learning the ‘dishonest’ way he paid for her engagement ring: ‘He lied’
    Listen Woman dumps her fiancé after learning the ‘dishonest’ way he paid for her engagement ring: ‘He lied’ pronunciation
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    Trending news on Lied

    Sen. Paul says Fauci 'lied again' after release of documents on Wuhan coronavirus research
    Listen Sen. Paul says Fauci 'lied again' after release of documents on Wuhan coronavirus research pronunciation
    WASHINGTON • Sen. Rand Paul said newly disclosed documents providing fresh details on the extent of U.S. funding of coronavirus research in China lends credence to his assertions that Dr.
    The Gazette The Gazette
    A video game streamer says she lied to her followers about having brain and lung cancer
    Listen A video game streamer says she lied to her followers about having brain and lung cancer pronunciation
    Twitch streamer MsDirtyBird has apologized for lying. The small content creator was accused in a blog of being a "pathological liar." She told Insider that she plans to take a break from str..View article
    YAHOO!News YAHOO!News
    Companies That Lied About Not Bankrolling Congress Members Who Didn't Certify the Election
    Listen Companies That Lied About Not Bankrolling Congress Members Who Didn't Certify the Election pronunciation
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    24/7 Wall St on MSN.com 24/7 Wall St on MSN.com
    They Lied about a Gang Rape…and Now COVID
    Listen They Lied about a Gang Rape…and Now COVID pronunciation
    When it comes to music and movies, Rolling Stone is pretty good. They should probably just stick to their roots as a music journalism venture. Being an entertainment magazine is
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    Tucker Carlson: Military Leaders Lied About Afghanistan For 20 Years
    Listen Tucker Carlson: Military Leaders Lied About Afghanistan For 20 Years pronunciation
    In July of 2017, every member of the joint chiefs of staff met with newly-elected President Donald Trump for the first time. It didn't go well. "You're all losers," the president told them,..View article
    RealClearPolitics RealClearPolitics
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
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