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Pronunciation of Letourneau with 4 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for Letourneau

The Christian polytechnic university, it offers degree programs in engineering, aeronautical science, business, education, nursing, psychology, theology and the arts and sciences.
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Wiki content for Letourneau

LeTourneau - LeTourneau can refer to:
LeTourneau University - LeTourneau University (LETU) is a private, interdenominational Christian university in Longview, Texas.
LeTourneau Empowering Global Solutions - LeTourneau Engineering Global Solutions (LEGS) is a non-profit initiative based in Longview, Texas, focused on bringing innovative, extremely low cost, high-quality prosthetic technology to p
LeTourneau L-2350 - The P&H L-2350 Wheel Loader (formerly the L-2350 loader) is a loader used for surface mining. It is manufactured by Komatsu Limited.
LeTourneau Technologies - LeTourneau Technologies, Inc. was an American manufacturer of heavy construction equipment founded by R. G.
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Examples of in a sentence

Nutall leads Sam Houston St. past LeTourneau 88-58
Listen Nutall leads Sam Houston St. past LeTourneau 88-58 pronunciation
685 ratings rating ratings
Mary Kay Letourneau, 57, & Vili Fualaau, 35, Splitting After 14 Years Of Marriage
Listen Mary Kay Letourneau, 57, & Vili Fualaau, 35, Splitting After 14 Years Of Marriage pronunciation
636 ratings rating ratings
LeTourneau had a goal of 'carefree' housing
Listen LeTourneau had a goal of 'carefree' housing pronunciation
587 ratings rating ratings
The Truth About Why Mary Kay Letourneau And Vili Fualaau Are Living Apart
Listen The Truth About Why Mary Kay Letourneau And Vili Fualaau Are Living Apart pronunciation
538 ratings rating ratings
Mary Kay Letourneau and Former Student Vili Fualaau Move Ahead With Split
Listen Mary Kay Letourneau and Former Student Vili Fualaau Move Ahead With Split pronunciation
489 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of Letourneau

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Trending news on Letourneau

Editorial: Want to honor Matt LeTourneau's legacy? Volunteer
Listen Editorial: Want to honor Matt LeTourneau's legacy? Volunteer pronunciation
At a time when many in the state are lamenting a dearth of volunteer firefighters and some officials are openly warning of a looming “crisis,” the friends and family of Matt LeTourneau gathe..View article
Delaware County Daily Times Delaware County Daily Times
LeTourneau had a goal of 'carefree' housing
Listen LeTourneau had a goal of 'carefree' housing pronunciation
DUNLAP — About 7,000 people went through Robert G. LeTourneau’s “Carefree Home” last summer during its first year at the Wheels O’ Time Museum in Dunlap. “We had about a 15 percent increase..View article
Journal Star Journal Star
The Truth About Why Mary Kay Letourneau And Vili Fualaau Are Living Apart
Listen The Truth About Why Mary Kay Letourneau And Vili Fualaau Are Living Apart pronunciation
As Mary Kay Letourneau and her husband, Vili Fualaau, begin the process of legally separating, the couple has begun to move on with their lives after 14 years of marriage. The couple is no l..View article
International Business Times International Business Times
Mary Kay Letourneau and Former Student Vili Fualaau Move Ahead With Split
Listen Mary Kay Letourneau and Former Student Vili Fualaau Move Ahead With Split pronunciation
After trying to make their marriage work, Mary Kay Letourneau and her former student, Vili Fualaau, appear to have called it quits once again. E! News has confirmed that the controversial co..View article
E! E!
Bellator 213 results live: ‘Macfarlane vs Letourneau’ streaming play-by-play updates
Listen Bellator 213 results live: ‘Macfarlane vs Letourneau’ streaming play-by-play updates pronunciation
Bellator 213 “Macfarlane vs. Letourneau” airs TONIGHT (Dec. 15, 2018) from Neal S. Blaisdell Center in Honolulu, Hawaii. The main event will see Flyweight “Iliminator” Ilima-Lei Macfarlane (..View article
MMA mania MMA mania
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