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Phonetic spelling of Leland

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Meanings for Leland

He is an American singer popularly known for one of his albums ' A Self-Taught.'
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Wiki content for Leland

Leland - Leland may refer to:
Leland Stanford - Amasa Leland Stanford (March 9, 1824 – June 21, 1893) was an American industrialist and politician. He is the founder (with his wife, Jane) of Stanford University.
Leland Yee - Leland Yin Yee (Chinese: 余胤良; pinyin: Yú Yìnliáng, born November 20, 1948) is a
Leland Sklar - Leland Bruce Sklar (born May 28, 1947) is an American electric bass guitarist and session musician. He is a member of the Los Angeles-based instrumental group The Section, who served as the d
Leland Orser - Leland Jones Orser (born 1960/1961) is an American actor. Orser has appeared in various roles in a wide variety of films and television series, including Chief of Surgery Dr.
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Examples of in a sentence

I was talking to Leland before he barred the gate, said Harrigan.
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