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Pronunciation of Leila with 15 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for Leila

Dark as night
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Leila is the name of a Netflix series. Here is the storyline of Leila: In a cruel society, a dejected mother searches her lost daughter who was taken away years ago.
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Wiki content for Leila

Examples of in a sentence

Leila M. Strait, 91
Listen Leila M. Strait, 91 pronunciation
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JUSTICE Secretary Leila de Lima fearlessly took the viral ice bucket challenge on a rainy Tuesday afternoon
0 rating rating ratings
Al Roker shares heartfelt message with daughter Leila after cancer surgery
Listen Al Roker shares heartfelt message with daughter Leila after cancer surgery pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
Leila mourns death of Manila RTC judge
Listen Leila mourns death of Manila RTC judge pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
One True Love: Leila sets herself free | Episode 72
Listen One True Love: Leila sets herself free | Episode 72 pronunciation
0 rating rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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{{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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Translations of Leila

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Trending news on Leila

Leila M. Strait, 91
Listen Leila M. Strait, 91 pronunciation
Thank you for reading! We hope that you continue to enjoy our free content. Thanks for visiting HeraldMailMedia.com. You're entitled to limited access of articles every 30 days. If you enjoy..View article
image-unavailable The Herald-Mail
This virtual performance by Cleveland School of the Arts Dance Company will inspire you to survive 2020: Leila Atassi
Listen This virtual performance by Cleveland School of the Arts Dance Company will inspire you to survive 2020: Leila Atassi pronunciation
CLEVELAND, Ohio – For many, election week will be remembered as one of the most stressful in a year that already has demanded much of us. If reading that sentence made your heart a little ....View article
image-unavailable Cleveland.com
Leila Conners, Los Angeles
Listen Leila Conners, Los Angeles pronunciation
As a film director, writer and the founder of Tree Media, Leila Conners’ environmentally astute documentary collaborations with actor Leonardo DiCaprio
Monocle Monocle
Leila Alaoui retrospective reveals intimate stories of migration
Listen Leila Alaoui retrospective reveals intimate stories of migration pronunciation
Photographer, video artist and activist Leila Alaoui is the focus of a new retrospective at Somerset House bringing together three image series created over a six-year period. The show, Rite..View article
image-unavailable Creative Review
SFSU Faces Possible Federal Investigation for Leila Khaled Event
Listen SFSU Faces Possible Federal Investigation for Leila Khaled Event pronunciation
The federal government could potentially investigate San Francisco State University (SFSU) for attempting to host Popular Front for the Liberation of
Jewish Journal Jewish Journal
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{{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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Leila pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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