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Phonetic spelling of Legates

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Meanings for Legates

It is a term that belongs to the category of noun, which means a person who officially represents another person.
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Wiki content for Legates

Legatus - A legatus (anglicised as legate) was a high-ranking Roman military officer in the Roman Army, equivalent to a modern high-ranking general officer.
Leganés - Leganés (Spanish pronunciation: [le.ɣa.ˈnes]) is a city in the Community of Madrid, Spain. Considered part of the Madrid metropolitan area, it is located about 11 km southwest of the centre o
Legatissimo - Legatissimo (foaled 22 April 2012) is a British-bred Irish-trained Thoroughbred racehorse. After showing some promise as a juvenile, she showed marked improvement in the spring of 2015 and re
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Examples of in a sentence

At that council wise and urgent measures were taken against the abuses that discredited the priesthood, but the principle of appeals and exemptions and the question of the increasing abuse of the power wielded by the Roman legates remained untouched.
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Translations of Legates

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