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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈlærɪŋks
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Meanings for larynx

An organ also known as the "adam's apple", is present in throat of all human beings but more visible in men after they hit puberty.
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artificial larynx
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a cartilaginous structure at the top of the trachea; contains elastic vocal cords that are the source of the vocal tone in speech
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Examples of in a sentence

Dog's throat cut in Cairns, Australia
Listen Dog's throat cut in Cairns, Australia pronunciation
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Experience shows that the most remarkable cures effected by the hot waters are in cases of gout, rheumatism, diseases of the larynx and in skin disorders.
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In other words, making noise through your larynx isn't something you have to learn to do.
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The places mentioned are all suitable for persons suffering from chronic bronchitis, who should avoid any irritation of the larynx, trachea or bronchi by air which is too dry or which is liable to great changes of temperature.
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Larynx Cancer Market Pipeline Insight and Competitive Landscape 2020
Listen Larynx Cancer Market Pipeline Insight and Competitive Landscape 2020 pronunciation
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Trending news on larynx

Latest medical tests show Lula da Silva larynx cancerous tumour has disappeared
Listen Latest medical tests show Lula da Silva larynx cancerous tumour has disappeared pronunciation
The latest medical examination of former Brazilian president Lula da Silva has shown that a cancerous tumour in his larynx has disappeared, one of his doctors told a local newspaper Sunday.
image-unavailable Uruguay News
Biology KS3: How do we make sounds using our larynx?
Listen Biology KS3: How do we make sounds using our larynx? pronunciation
Professor Sophie Scott explains how sounds are made in our larynx when the vocal folds vibrate. She then demonstrates a larynx in action with the help of Professor Martin Birchall (a consult..View article
image-unavailable BBC
The Dynamic Larynx Visualized
Listen The Dynamic Larynx Visualized pronunciation
What is the function of the larynx? The larynx acts as a sphincter at the cranial end of the tracheobronchial tree. In order of priority, its functions are to protect the lower airway, to re..View article
image-unavailable VIN
Other parts: Larynx
Listen Other parts: Larynx pronunciation
The larynx contains the vocal cords, which comprise two fibrous sheets of tissue. A flap of cartilage called the epiglottis, at the top of the larynx, stops food going down the windpipe to p..View article
image-unavailable Daily Mail
Why inhaling helium gas affects our voice, and other things to know about vocal cords, the larynx and how we speak
Listen Why inhaling helium gas affects our voice, and other things to know about vocal cords, the larynx and how we speak pronunciation
The vocal cords that allow this are in the voice box, or – to give it its correct medical name – larynx, a part of the respiratory system. The organ in the top of the neck is involved not on..View article
image-unavailable South China Morning Post
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