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Larry ellison

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Pronunciation of Larry ellison with 1 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Larry ellison

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Meanings for Larry ellison

An American businessman, who is the co-founder of Oracle Corporation.
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Wiki content for Larry ellison

Larry Ellison - Lawrence Joseph Ellison (born August 17, 1944) is an American businessman, entrepreneur, and philanthropist who is a co-founder and the executive chairman and chief technology officer (CTO) o

Examples of in a sentence

Oracle CEO Larry Ellison turns 70 with no retirement in sight
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Salesforce's Marc Benioff Has Become Tech's Top Dealmaker, Seizing the Crown From His Former Boss Larry Ellison
Listen Salesforce's Marc Benioff Has Become Tech's Top Dealmaker, Seizing the Crown From His Former Boss Larry Ellison pronunciation
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Larry Ellison's Rancho Mirage Retreat: Public Comments Due
Listen Larry Ellison's Rancho Mirage Retreat: Public Comments Due pronunciation
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Larry Ellison Confronts the Pandemic on Hawaiian Island He Controls
Listen Larry Ellison Confronts the Pandemic on Hawaiian Island He Controls pronunciation
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Larry Ellison Discusses The Future Of Office Work And Integrated Applications
Listen Larry Ellison Discusses The Future Of Office Work And Integrated Applications pronunciation
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Translations of Larry ellison

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Trending news on Larry ellison

Larry Ellison lobbied Israeli mogul to give up attorney for Netanyahu — report
Listen Larry Ellison lobbied Israeli mogul to give up attorney for Netanyahu — report pronunciation
Jewish-American billionaire Larry Ellison lobbied and convinced fellow magnate Arnon Milchan to give up the services of his attorney in one of the criminal cases against Prime Minister Benja..View article
image-unavailable The Times of Israel
Larry Ellison Wants It All—Can Oracle Get It?
Listen Larry Ellison Wants It All—Can Oracle Get It? pronunciation
Read Bob Evans take a look at Larry Ellison’s cloud strategy for Oracle Corporation on Cloud Wars : In what was billed as an introduction to Oracle’s new CX strategy, Larry Ellison instead r..View article
image-unavailable ctovision.com
Oracle's Larry Ellison on a post COVID-19 world "We're never going back."
Listen Oracle's Larry Ellison on a post COVID-19 world "We're never going back." pronunciation
While there is much debate about the future of work in a post COVID-19 world, Larry Ellison, executive chairman and CTO Oracle is unequivocal: We're never going back, I don't mean we're neve..View article
image-unavailable Diginomica
Billionaire Larry Ellison confronts coronavirus pandemic on Lanai
Listen Billionaire Larry Ellison confronts coronavirus pandemic on Lanai pronunciation
Larry Ellison controls just about every part of Lanai, which for months was shielded from the ravages of the coronavirus pandemic. As COVID-19 swept across the U.S. mainland in the spring an..View article
image-unavailable Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Larry Ellison's wacky TikTok plan exposes Oracle's glaring problem
Listen Larry Ellison's wacky TikTok plan exposes Oracle's glaring problem pronunciation
It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification. Larry Ellison, the billionaire who cofounded the software giant Oracle in the late '70s, has a long history of kooky bu..View article
image-unavailable Business Insider
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