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Meanings for LaPlace

French mathematician and astronomer who formulated the nebular hypothesis concerning the origins of the solar system and who developed the theory of probability (1749-1827)
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Wiki content for LaPlace

Laplace transform - In mathematics, the Laplace transform is an integral transform named after its inventor Pierre-Simon Laplace ().
Laplace–Runge–Lenz vector - In classical mechanics, the Laplace–Runge–Lenz (LRL) vector is a vector used chiefly to describe the shape and orientation of the orbit of one astronomical body around another, such as a plan
Laplace operator - In mathematics, the Laplace operator or Laplacian is a differential operator given by the divergence of the gradient of a function on Euclidean space.
Laplace's equation - In mathematics, Laplace's equation is a second-order partial differential equation named after Pierre-Simon Laplace who first studied its properties.
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Examples of in a sentence

But for those who wish to study the molecular constitution of bodies it is necessary to study the effect of forces which are sensible only at insensible distances; and Laplace has furnished us with an example of the method of this study which has never been surpassed.
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Laplace assumed that the liquid has uniform density, and that the attraction of its molecules extends to a finite though insensible distance.
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Considering that our sun is but a star, or but one of the millions of stars, it is of interest to see whether any other systems present indication of a nebulous origin analogous to that which Laplace proposed for the solar system.
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Luis Laplace Creates a Museum Above the Clouds in the French Alps
Listen Luis Laplace Creates a Museum Above the Clouds in the French Alps pronunciation
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Three-vehicle crash in LaPlace leaves two people dead
Listen Three-vehicle crash in LaPlace leaves two people dead pronunciation
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Trending news on LaPlace

Luis Laplace Creates a Museum Above the Clouds in the French Alps
Listen Luis Laplace Creates a Museum Above the Clouds in the French Alps pronunciation
And there are those conceived to support the life inside. Argentinian architect Luis Laplace is of the second school. “I believe that form follows function, not beauty for the sake of it,” h..View article
Architectural Digest Architectural Digest
Three-vehicle crash in LaPlace leaves two people dead
Listen Three-vehicle crash in LaPlace leaves two people dead pronunciation
LAPLACE, LA (WAFB) - Two people are dead and two others are in serious condition after a three-car wreck in LaPlace on Sunday. 19-year-old Taija Stokes and a man whose name hasn't been relea..View article
Take the inverse Laplace transform of the following functions: (a) F (s) = {1 - 2 s} / {s^2 + 4 s...
Listen Take the inverse Laplace transform of the following functions: (a) F (s) = {1 - 2 s} / {s^2 + 4 s... pronunciation
Take the inverse Laplace transform of the following functions: (a) {eq}\displaystyle F (s) = \frac {1 - 2 s} {s^2 + 4 s + 5} {/eq}. (b) {eq}\displaystyle F (s ...
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LaPlace convenience store employee shoots suspected robber
Listen LaPlace convenience store employee shoots suspected robber pronunciation
LaPlace, La. (WVUE) - An employee of a convenience store in LaPlace shot a suspected robber after a confrontation in the store. The alleged attempted armed robbery happened in the 400 blk. o..View article
QHotels of LaPlace LA Give Back this Holiday Season to Their Local…
Listen QHotels of LaPlace LA Give Back this Holiday Season to Their Local… pronunciation
LAPLACE, La. (PRWEB) December 17, 2018 Vimal Patel of QHotels, a hotel management company that manages the Staybridge Suites Lake Charles and other hotels in Louisiana, is proud to continue..View article
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