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Pronunciation of landing with 1 audio pronunciations
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IPA : ˈlændɪŋ
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    Video Pronunciation of landing in English

    Phonetic spelling of landing

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    Meanings for landing

    It is a noun term that means the process of bringing something to land.
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    Wiki content for landing

    Examples of in a sentence

    Boeing 757 makes emergency landing at Vnukovo airport in Moscow
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    Landing of Space Shuttle Atlantis postponed due to bad weather
    Listen Landing of Space Shuttle Atlantis postponed due to bad weather pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Apollo Moon landings tapes reported missing
    0 rating rating ratings
    Space Shuttle Endeavour enters history books after nineteen years following penultimate landing of program
    Listen Space Shuttle Endeavour enters history books after nineteen years following penultimate landing of program pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Emergency Air New Zealand landing performed with no landing gear
    Listen Emergency Air New Zealand landing performed with no landing gear pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Trending news on landing

    Afghan refugee gives birth after U.S. evacuation flight landing
    Listen Afghan refugee gives birth after U.S. evacuation flight landing pronunciation
    An Afghan woman gave birth just moments after landing on an evacuation flight, the U.S. Air Mobility Command said early Sunday.
    Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
    Walkers Landing Dr North Dinwiddie VA 23803 Property Listing
    Listen Walkers Landing Dr North Dinwiddie VA 23803 Property Listing pronunciation
    Find homes for sale and/or properties located on Walkers Landing Dr in North-Dinwiddie, VA 23803 below. Identify other real estate deals nearby with additional zip code, city, address and/or..View article
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    Locals assist Afghan refugees landing at Dulles
    Listen Locals assist Afghan refugees landing at Dulles pronunciation
    Refugees got off a flight at Dulles on Saturday then taken to NOVA Community College before the State Department moved them to the Dulles Expo Center. Some people in the local Afghan communi..View article
    Fox 5 Fox 5
    Black River Landing upgrades will make place even more alluring
    Listen Black River Landing upgrades will make place even more alluring pronunciation
    The Lorain Port and Finance Authority has a chance to cement the city of Lorain as a primary entertainment destination if it approves a $3 million plan for a new stage and supporting spaces..View article
    The Morning Journal The Morning Journal
    Three people shot at Dobbins Landing on Sunday morning
    Listen Three people shot at Dobbins Landing on Sunday morning pronunciation
    Erie Police responded to an early morning shooting down at Dobbins Landing. This shooting took place a little after 3:20 A.M. Sunday morning. According to police three victims were shot duri..View article
    yourerie.com yourerie.com
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