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Phonetic spelling of Lamech

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Meanings for Lamech

A popular surname that is originated n Africa.
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Wiki content for Lamech

Lamech - Lamech may refer to:
Lamech (descendant of Cain) - Lamech (; Hebrew: לֶמֶךְ Lémeḵ, in pausa לָמֶךְ Lā́meḵ) is a person in Cain's genealogy in the fourth chapter of the Book of Genesis.
Lamech (father of Noah) - Lamech (; Hebrew: לֶמֶךְ Lémeḵ, in pausa לָמֶךְ Lā́meḵ; Greek: Λάμεχ Lámekh) was a patriarch in the genealogies of Adam in the Book of Genesis.
Lamèch (crater) - Lamèch is a small lunar impact crater that is located to the southwest of the prominent crater Eudoxus, at the eastern edge of the Montes Caucasus range.
Lamecha Girma - Lamecha Girma (born 26 November 2000) is an Ethiopian athlete who specializes in 3000 metres steeplechase.
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Examples of in a sentence

It is doubtful whether Lamech is to be identified with the name of any one of these kings; he may have been introduced into the genealogy from another tradition.
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Former Wayne County Sheriff Lamech Adkins honored
Listen Former Wayne County Sheriff Lamech Adkins honored pronunciation
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Lamech Hadisusant, 73
Listen Lamech Hadisusant, 73 pronunciation
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Men’s winner Lamech Mokono sets Victoria Marathon record; Catrin Jones tops women
Listen Men’s winner Lamech Mokono sets Victoria Marathon record; Catrin Jones tops women pronunciation
183 ratings rating ratings
UPDATE: Tempe PD say missing endangered teen Lamech Gillard has been found
Listen UPDATE: Tempe PD say missing endangered teen Lamech Gillard has been found pronunciation
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Translations of Lamech

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Trending news on Lamech

Ranjit Lamech
Listen Ranjit Lamech pronunciation
Ranjit Lamech is the Regional Director of the World Bank's Infrastructure Department in the East Asia and Pacific region. He is an energy expert with close to three decades of experience in..View article
World Bank World Bank
UPDATE: Tempe PD say missing endangered teen Lamech Gillard has been found
Listen UPDATE: Tempe PD say missing endangered teen Lamech Gillard has been found pronunciation
Tempe police have located missing endangered teen Lamech Gillard. 17-year-old Gillard went missing Wednesday afternoon around 2 p.m. near Hardy Drive and Elliot Road. Gillard has diminished..View article
ABC15 Arizona ABC15 Arizona
Men’s winner Lamech Mokono sets Victoria Marathon record; Catrin Jones tops women
Listen Men’s winner Lamech Mokono sets Victoria Marathon record; Catrin Jones tops women pronunciation
Wearing a racing watch that American marathon legend Dick Beardsley gave him the day before, Lamech Mokono of Kenya set a record time Sunday in winning the GoodLife Fitness Victoria Marathon..View article
Times Colonist Times Colonist
Lamech Hadisusant, 73
Listen Lamech Hadisusant, 73 pronunciation
Lamech Hadisusant, a 73-year-old Asian male, died Monday, March 20. Do you have information to share about the life of Lamech Hadisusant ? The Homicide Report needs your help. Please fill ou..View article
image-unavailable Los Angeles Times
Former Wayne County Sheriff Lamech Adkins honored
Listen Former Wayne County Sheriff Lamech Adkins honored pronunciation
WAYNE - After years of waiting, relatives of the first Sheriff of Wayne County, West Virginia were pleased to see his picture placed on the wall just outside the Sheriff's office in the coun..View article
image-unavailable The Herald-Dispatch

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