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Pronunciation of LaCroix with 5 audio pronunciations
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Meanings for LaCroix

French words. Meaning "the cross"
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It is a famous beverage company that produces carbonated water.
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Wiki content for LaCroix

Lacroix - Lacroix or La Croix may refer to:
Lacroix (crater) - Lacroix is a crater that is located in the southwest part of the Moon, to the northwest of the large walled plain Schickard.
Lacroix-Trussant LT-51 - The Lacroix-Trussant L.T.-51 Microplan was a French, low-powered, two seat amateur-built biplane. It flew just before the outbreak of World War II.
Lacroix-Saint-Ouen - Lacroix-Saint-Ouen or La Croix Saint Ouen is a commune in the Oise department in northern France.
Lacroix-Falgarde - Lacroix-Falgarde is a commune in the Haute-Garonne department in southwestern France.
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Examples of in a sentence

Donald J. Lacroix
155 ratings rating ratings
Here's Why I Think Lacroix (EPA:LACR) Is An Interesting Stock
Listen Here's Why I Think Lacroix (EPA:LACR) Is An Interesting Stock pronunciation
144 ratings rating ratings
Nancy Jane LaCroix
Listen Nancy Jane LaCroix pronunciation
133 ratings rating ratings
Barcelona are serious in their interest in French talent Lacroix, also watched by Juventus
Listen Barcelona are serious in their interest in French talent Lacroix, also watched by Juventus pronunciation
122 ratings rating ratings
Rumors: Rakitić or Vidal, Todibo out, Lacroix in
Listen Rumors: Rakitić or Vidal, Todibo out, Lacroix in pronunciation
111 ratings rating ratings
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Translations of LaCroix

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Trending news on LaCroix

Coca-Cola Takes on LaCroix With Caffeinated Seltzer
Listen Coca-Cola Takes on LaCroix With Caffeinated Seltzer pronunciation
LaCroix says the flavors of its popular sparkling water are derived from “natural essence oils.” WSJ conducted a blind taste test of four flavors to see if we could guess each one. Video/Pho..View article
The Wall Street Journal The Wall Street Journal
‘Everyone must be on board’ for peace in Central African Republic: UN’s Lacroix
Listen ‘Everyone must be on board’ for peace in Central African Republic: UN’s Lacroix pronunciation
“Now there is a path, it is the path of dialogue. There is a date to start this dialogue, it's 24 January,” said the head of the Department of Peace Operations (DPO), speaking to reporters i..View article
pulse.com.gh pulse.com.gh
Tough road seen for LaCroix
Listen Tough road seen for LaCroix pronunciation
Guggenheim is the latest firm to warn on risk for National Beverage (NASDAQ:FIZZ) with the LaCroix business. "LaCroix will not stabilize until at least next year given the increased competit..View article
image-unavailable Seeking Alpha
Ultracor teams up with Christian Lacroix for a collection of activewear
Listen Ultracor teams up with Christian Lacroix for a collection of activewear pronunciation
The Ultracor brand, known for its fitness and sportswear inspired clothing, on Wednesday launched a collaboration with the Christian Lacroix fashion house, reports Women's Wear Daily (WWD)...View article
image-unavailable Yahoo News
Merle ‘Ann’ LaCroix
Listen Merle ‘Ann’ LaCroix pronunciation
Merle 'Ann' LaCroix went home to be with the Lord on Nov. 14, 2019, at the age of 84. Ann was born on Feb. 10, 1935, in Havre. Family was important to Ann. She came from a big family (with f..View article
Billings Gazette Billings Gazette
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