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Pronunciation of Kwanzaa with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈkwɒnzɪ
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Learn Kwanzaa pronunciation with video

    Video Pronunciation of Kwanzaa in English

    Phonetic spelling of Kwanzaa

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    Meanings for Kwanzaa

    An African-American celebration of life introduced in 1966 by Dr. Maulana Karenga from 26 December to 1 January, as a feast and gift-giving one on the 6th day, signifying the African culture and heritage.
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    Synonyms for Kwanzaa

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    Quiz on Kwanzaa


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    Collections on Kwanzaa

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    Wiki content for Kwanzaa

    Kwanzaa - Kwanzaa () is a week-long annual celebration held in the United States and other nations of the African diaspora in the Americas to honor African heritage in African-American culture.
    Kwanza (album) - Kwanza is an album by Archie Shepp released on Impulse! in 1974. The album contains tracks recorded from September 1968 to August 1969 by Shepp with four different ensembles.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    An LIer reflects on Kwanzaa
    Listen An LIer reflects on Kwanzaa pronunciation
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    Fresno museum holds virtual Kwanzaa celebrations amid pandemic
    Listen Fresno museum holds virtual Kwanzaa celebrations amid pandemic pronunciation
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    The Wisconsin Black Historical Society celebrates Kwanzaa
    Listen The Wisconsin Black Historical Society celebrates Kwanzaa pronunciation
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    Kwanzaa 2020: Quotes, Prayers, Blessings, Greetings To Celebrate African-American Holiday
    Listen Kwanzaa 2020: Quotes, Prayers, Blessings, Greetings To Celebrate African-American Holiday pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Baltimore community celebrates on second night on Kwanzaa
    Listen Baltimore community celebrates on second night on Kwanzaa pronunciation
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    Translations of Kwanzaa

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    Trending news on Kwanzaa

    Kwanzaa in Louisville on heels of social justice movement | Raleigh News & Observer
    Listen Kwanzaa in Louisville on heels of social justice movement | Raleigh News & Observer pronunciation
    On June 19, droves of African Americans in Louisville celebrated Juneteenth, many for the first time, as a response to the changing social climate of the United States and the growing Black..View article
    Raleigh News & Observer Raleigh News & Observer
    Kwanzaa celebrations underway online for Houston's SHAPE Community Center
    Listen Kwanzaa celebrations underway online for Houston's SHAPE Community Center pronunciation
    Ten thousand facemasks, 5,000 bottles of hand sanitizer and seven uploaded videos later, the SHAPE Community Center is ready for the first day of Kwanzaa in the year of coronavirus. "Our foc..View article
    Houston Chronicle Houston Chronicle
    Kwanzaa during the pandemic
    Listen Kwanzaa during the pandemic pronunciation
    Kwanzaa (from Swahili, meaning “first fruits”) is a seven-day, Pan-African and secular holiday with cultural roots. Its origins are in the civil rights movement of the 1960s. My family and I..View article
    Bangor Daily News Bangor Daily News
    Kwanzaa Begins Saturday with Motorcade, Online Events
    Listen Kwanzaa Begins Saturday with Motorcade, Online Events pronunciation
    African American festival of Kwanzaa begins Saturday with many celebrations in Los Angeles County canceled, altered or moved online because of restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemi..View article
    NBC Los Angeles NBC Los Angeles
    Nashville explosion, unemployment benefits, Kwanzaa: 5 things to know this weekend
    Listen Nashville explosion, unemployment benefits, Kwanzaa: 5 things to know this weekend pronunciation
    Investigations into the Nashville explosion, millions could lose unemployment benefits, Kwanzaa begins and more news to know this weekend.
    USA Today USA Today
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