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Learn how to pronounce Kim Jong-un
Kim Jong-un

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Meanings for Kim Jong-un
A popular Korean politician who served as a Supreme Leader of North Korea.
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Kim Jong-un's sister slams S. Korea's "audacious initiative" as "height of absurdity"

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Kim Jong-un's sister slams S. Korea's "audacious initiative" as "height of absurdity"

In a statement published on state media, regime leader Kim Jong-un's powerful sister Kim Yo-jong ridiculed the plan as a copy of the former, conservative Lee Myung-bak administration's Visio..View article

Kim Jong-un says N.Korea will never give up nuclear weapons

세계인에게 한국을 알리는 글로벌 대표 국제방송사. 아리랑 TV는 한국의 시사, 문화, 및 역사에 관한 영어 정보를 한국 주변 지역에 제공하고 있다. A global representative international broadcasting..View article
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