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Meanings for 휘파람
noun: whistle; plural noun: whistles 1. a clear, high-pitched sound made by forcing breath through a small hole between partly closed lips, or between one's teeth. a shrill, high-pitched sound. "the whistle of the boiling kettle" an instrument used to produce a shrill, high-pitched sound, especially for giving a signal. 2. INFORMAL•BRITISH a suit. verb verb: whistle; 3rd person present: whistles; past tense: whistled; past participle: whistled; gerund or present participle: whistling emit a clear, high-pitched sound by forcing breath through a small hole between one's lips or teeth. "the audience cheered and whistled" produce (a tune) by whistling. "the postman whistled an old Rolling Stones number" (especially of a bird or machine) produce a clear, high-pitched sound. "the kettle began to whistle" produce a whistling sound by moving rapidly through the air or a narrow opening. "the wind was whistling down the chimney" blow an instrument that makes a whistle, especially as a signal. "t
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