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Learn Kojiro pronunciation with video

    Video Pronunciation of Kojiro in English

    Phonetic spelling of Kojiro

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    Meanings for Kojiro

    It refers to the surname of "Sasaki Kojirō" a Japanese swordsman widely who was considered as the master of the craft.
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    Quiz on Kojiro


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    Collections on Kojiro

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    Wiki content for Kojiro

    Kojiro - Kojirō or Kojiro is a masculine Japanese given name. Notable people with the name include:
    Kojiro Akagi - Kojiro Akagi (赤木 曠児郎, Akagi Kōjirō) (born 3 January 1934 in Okayama, Japan) is a Japanese painter who is based in France.
    Kojiro Nakamura - Kojiro Nakamura (中村 廣治郎 Nakamura Kōjirō) is a Japanese scholar of Islam. He is professor emeritus of Islamic studies at both Tokyo University and Oberlin University.
    Kojiro Hongo - Kojiro Hongo (本郷功次郎, Hongō Kōjirō, 2 February 1938 – 14 February 2013) was a Japanese actor. Hongo won an Elan d'or Award for Newcomer of the Year in 1959. His notable international performan
    Kojiro Shiraishi - Kojiro Shiraishi (白石 康次郎, Shiraishi Kōjirō) is the record holder as the youngest sailor in the world to circumnavigate the globe in a continuous solo journey.
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    Translations of Kojiro

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    Examples of Kojiro in a sentence

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