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Pronunciation of Knudsen with 5 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Knudsen

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nood-suh n; Danish knoo-suh n
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Meanings for Knudsen

It is a surname that is of Scandinavian origin.
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Wiki content for Knudsen

Knudsen - Knudsen is a surname of Scandinavian origin, derived from the personal name Knud (Canute) and literally meaning "Knud's son."
Knudsen number - The Knudsen number (Kn) is a dimensionless number defined as the ratio of the molecular mean free path length to a representative physical length scale.
Knudsen diffusion - In physics, Knudsen diffusion, named after Martin Knudsen, is a means of diffusion that occurs when the scale length of a system is comparable to or smaller than the mean free path of the par
Knudsen layer - The Knudsen layer, also known as evaporation layer, is the thin layer of vapor near a liquid or solid.
Knudsen cell - In crystal growth, a Knudsen cell is an effusion evaporator source for relatively low partial pressure elementary sources (e.g.
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Examples of in a sentence

Exit Interview: Knudsen was Town's 'Mad Dog' whose final-season saga clouds four years at Portman Road
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Mabel Katherine (Knudsen) Kruzich
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Obituary: Thomas E. Knudsen, 86
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Milton grad Knudsen helps UW-Whitewater golf to third straight WIAC title
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The Imaging Resolution and Knudsen Effect on the Mass Transport of Shale Gas Assisted by Multi-length Scale X-Ray Computed Tomography
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Translations of Knudsen

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Trending news on Knudsen

Exit Interview: Knudsen was Town's 'Mad Dog' whose final-season saga clouds four years at Portman Road
The initial signs were good as Knudsen's physical approach and supreme fitness saw him quickly settle into the team, helped of course by a fast start which saw Ipswich win three and draw one..View article
image-unavailable East Anglian Daily Times 24
Austin Knudsen enters race for attorney general
Austin Knudsen enters race for attorney general Former Republican House Speaker Austin Knudsen announced on social media Monday that he is running for Montana attorney general in 2020. Check..View article
Great Falls Tribune Great Falls Tribune
Obituary: Thomas E. Knudsen, 86
Thomas E. Knudsen, 86, of Clinton, died peacefully in his home on November 6th. He was born in West Haven to the late John and Catherine Knudsen and was the husband of 61 years to Marion Pfa..View article
USA Patch USA Patch
Mabel Katherine (Knudsen) Kruzich
CASPER—Mass for Mabel Kruzich, 95, will be held at 10:30 am on Thursday, November 22, 2019 at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church. Interment will be in Highland Cemetery. Mabel died surrounded by..View article
Casper Star-Tribune Casper Star-Tribune
The Imaging Resolution and Knudsen Effect on the Mass Transport of Shale Gas Assisted by Multi-length Scale X-Ray Computed Tomography
3D mass transport simulation using continuum and numerical physics respectively is also compared to highlight the significance of the Knudsen effect on the reconstructed solid surface. The r..View article
Nature Nature
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